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Everything posted by captsully18

  1. Really nice. Good job. David
  2. Just my .02, if you are looking for a HARD topcoat, use Dick Nites. It is a lot harder than D2T and is very easy to apply and work with. I can't say that blues won't hurt it, but I do know that you can't hurt it by bouncing a bait off rocks, and hooks leave no rash at all. I would urge you to try the Dick Nites before you buy the D2T. David
  3. That's my boy! ya know, Rookie, we just may make you an honorary Ky Blue Redneck. Or is that onery. Oh well, what ever. Hope everything is ok for y'all. Haven't heard from you. Give me a call and let me know how things are. David
  4. Mark, have you thought of using e-tex as a coating over the aluminum? Createx adheres well to the e-tex. I use e-tex over foil on the foil baits I've done and then used Createx over that and had no problems. I also use Dick Nites as a clear coat exclusively now after having problems with D2T chipping and peeling. Just my .02. David
  5. Thanks Mark, that statement is the most elequent way of saying what I've been wanting to say for a long time. Very good. David
  6. Wow! What a great response. Just the type answers I was hoping to get. ALL of these are good tips and well worth hanging on to. Thank y'all a lot. David
  7. Hey guys, I would like to hear different opinions about what makes a good/great spinnerbait. Would like to hear from some of y'all that make such grand looking baits. Would just like to collect some different views on the subject. Thanks David
  8. [quote name= As far as rigging them... They're gonna require a pretty big hook' date=' since they're solid bodies. joshimoto son You could try this, split the belly open with a razor blade up past the midline. This gives a pocket for the hook to ride in and don't need a gigantic hook, bait hangs straighter, easier to get a good hook set. Been doing this with mine whether they are solid or hollow. Works like a charm. David
  9. Createx airbrush paints work well, for me at least. No need to mix anything with it. Just add to airbrush, paint, dip in clear for final coat, done. David
  10. Not sure, but I think they use the silver. It has a holo. effect. David
  11. D%^*, what an idea, Now why couldn't I have thought of that? Thanks! David
  12. BM08, don't know how much you know about flytying, but dressing trebles is really simple. Clamp treble in a vise (of some type, a flytying vise is probably best), wrap some flytying thread on shank of treble, stoppingnear the bend of the hooks. Attach some hackle feathers (I prefer to use saddle hackle because of their size) or hair of choice. Wrap down securely, tie off, apply some zap-a-gap ca. and you're in business. This is much cheaper than buying dressed trebles. If you have a fly shop in your area, they can certainly help you with the materials. If I can answer any questions, please ask. Hope this info helps. David
  13. Gotta add my vote for gravity. Uses less paint, quicker clean-up. David
  14. Man,!,!, I sure wish you guys lived close to me. I have got a bunch of lead, and got a call just today from a friend wanting to know if I wanted some lead. Seems his son-in-law has run across several hundred lbs. at a construction site that he is forman on. Guess I have about 70 lb. on the way and possibily 100 - 300 lbs. more to come. They are doing some road work and unearthed a bunch of old lead water pipe and don't want to fool with trying to salvage it so son-in-law is gonna load it up and bring it to me. Would love to share it with you, but I'm sure the shipping cost would be high. Anyway, if you should be interested in some for the price of shipping, let me know via pm or e-mail captsully18@aol.com. David
  15. And here we were talking about suspending baits the other night and you didn't even mention this one. Shame on you. Awesome paint job. This bait ought to be a killer in that hole on Norman. David
  16. Here's a pic of the bait and stencil I painted it with. This is just a piece of milk carton with the pattern drawn with a Sharpie and then "melted" out with a needle heated with alcohol burner.
  17. I have been messing with stencils for past couple weeks. Used various materials, mostly plastic so paint could be washed off to use on opposite side of bait. Had a devil of a time cutting patterns out. Two nights ago I thought of trying to "melt" pattern into piece of milk jug. Chucked a needle into a pin vise, heated tip of needle over alcohol lamp, then traced the pattern I had drawn with a Sharpie. I was able to get a real nice pattern for a crappie I was working on with this method (had tried other ways and this was by far best) as it gave me a rather uneven edge. Then when I painted it on bait I held it just off the bait and got a really nice feathered edge. Anyhow, it worked for me. As soon as clear coat is dry enough to handle, I will post some pics. David
  18. Yeah, but who on here is "normal"? David
  19. captsully18

    For my buddy, Larry

    I have said it before, heck, everybody has said it before, amazing work. David
  20. [quote=my guess is they will be AARP members... The Rookie And just what is wrong with that? Ya wanna see my card? David
  21. Damn, just when I think I'm doin' good on the foil, you post these. You are definitely the man. You and Vince just keep raising the bar. Keep it up. David
  22. Vince, as usual you have given me even a higher mark to aspire to David
  23. captsully18

    My whatever bait

    Not sure I believe you, but it is Awesome! David
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