Thanks Husky, got a couple of new molds coming up and will try your advice. Haven't found you to be off yet. Your advice that is. All of us are off to one extent or another or we wouldn't be here I guess.
Thanks again.
Vellllly Intellllesting, Glasshopper! Unique and will be waiting ( with baited breath ) to find out how they do. Do you plan to paint these? Want to know what action you get due to the line tie configuration. Definitely a devious mind at work here. Good luck with them.
I guess it's ok. What I would really like to know more about is the mention you made about "heat setting" the paint. Now really, is this necessary?
Sorry, it must be the drugs. Boy do they make me feel wierd....or is that wired.
Another terrrrrrrriffic bait. You are certainly one of the very best.
I use Alumilite and Featherlite ( from Smooth On ) and like both. The Featherlite is easier to mix because it already has a floatant already in it. With Alumilite you have to mix microballoons into it to get a bait to float. The only problem I have with Featherlite is that I get a lot of air bubbles in the surface that have to be filled with Bondo. Either product will give you a very durable bait.
Excellent is just not a good enough word. You are surely the master of layering paint. Would hate to have to choose between you or Vince. Both of you just keep raising the bar. Indescribable works!