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Everything posted by EugeneM

  1. I am going to get the stuff to make one like Bojons.Thanks for the Pics Bojon that looks great.
  2. I have a 4 inch tube mold from Del-Mart and it pours great but I cant get the tails to cut clean.I have a tail cutter from lurecraft.How do you guys cut them?Thanks Eugene
  3. DEL-MART.com makes a 5 inch 2 piece mold.
  4. EugeneM

    Arkie Uhead

    I dont know how to post a pic but here is the website with a pic of it. ARKIE JIGS....The Original Bass Jig
  5. EugeneM

    Arkie Uhead

    Does anyone know where I can get a mold to pour u-heads like Arkie jig company sales?
  6. I have a Pinnacle Finesse Baitcaster and I have no complaints it casts great and is very smooth.
  7. EugeneM


    Welcome aboard Mike.
  8. Bill Lewis Lures Rattletrap DD-22 Rapala Shad Rap
  9. Welcome aboard Bterrill.Nice Smallie.
  10. I want to build one but I would like to see some pics of some that you guys have built so I can get some ideas.Thanks Eugene
  11. In Southwest Virginia its Green Pumpkin followed by Watermelon/red.
  12. I just fixed a presto pot and I was wandering how you guys kept those nozzles warm guess I will have to get me a heat gun.
  13. Welcome aboard jigslinger.
  14. Same to you I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter.
  15. EugeneM


    Welcome aboard Andrea
  16. I found mine at a local Auto Parts store.
  17. Welcome aboard coolguy3812.
  18. Welcome aboard kckid.
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