Jim was right when he stated that many do not see the value of quality work and want to pay you $2.40 a bag for something it cost you $3.00 to make. You need to have some thick skin and be proud enough of your work to walk away from bargain hunters in these tackle shops. If you bend over once, they will expect it every time. 9 out of 10 will never give you a problem, but there is always one who thinks you are asking too much, no matter what it is. These same people will buy factory 2nds and sell them in their store for 100% plus mark up. Choose your patrons and dealers wisely and do not hesitate to pump us for more info as we don't want other hand pour guys getting the shaft. It affects us all.
I just finished a large order of the 6" T-Sticks which are normally very bad about denting on one color pours. I poured from a Presto Pot, temp set at 320 and a small stream. I had 3 dents on average for every 50 baits. Key was lower temp and allowing time for the gas to escape by pouring a small stream.
I think I see what you are talking about. Is your mold tilted when you pour? Are you laying the mold down immediately after pouring? Are you pouring from a cup or pot?
First, You can normally buy 5 gallons buckets of plastic cheaper than buying 4-1 gallon jugs of plastic.
Color wise, buy your favorite colors in 2 or 4 oz bottles.
You can go to my website www.elgrandelures.com and look for BOA. You can get a better look at it that way. There is a small section that is smooth, but not raised that you could call the egg sack.
Does anyone have the recipe for the "cola" color like the Jackall Cover Craw? I tried a combo of Pumpkinseed and red, but cannot get it dark enough that way. This was a special request and do not want to ruin anymore plastic trying to match it.
I produce lures for Mexican Bass Fishing, in fact, that is how I got started in this business. A number of lodges carry my product now on Baccarac, Huites, and El Salto. I sent you an email and would love to partner with you.
I think if everyone could just understand that there are alot of fisherman to go around, there would be less trouble. Jim was kind enough to give me permission to use one of his molds in the past made by Bob and I have done well with it. I hope I can return the favor some day. A little communication goes a long way. The unfortunate thing about this topic is is boils down to who has the funds to pursue patents and then protect them.
Either one of the above worms would be great. I keep a pan of water on the bench for burn relief (I learned the hard way:eek:) and to test floating lures. It does not take much floater to float a worm with hook.
Sounds like you need to go ahead and add some fresh plastic to it as well. It may not matter how well you mix it right now, the solids are what's left in the plastic. Add fresh plastic, then mix well. You probably need to do a 50/50 with it to get it to even out.