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Everything posted by rlcam

  1. That wasn't me guys but tell me would that not be cool to cruise around the docks just for kicks.Redneck it may be but I would like to have one,that would be one boat you wouldn't catch my wife on(or any other female with teeth) My daughter is going to help me later this week with the photo thing.What I want to do is, when some one clicks on the link I put in my post they just go straight to the photos,like some of you on here do,do you that do this use photobucket or something else...thanks Rob
  2. You said it there Mark,just turned 41 last month and seem to be falling apart quicker than I would like.My son usually helps me out on these things.He's 14 and already knows more about these things than I will ever know,he's now talking about moving to Japan when he graduates for all the tech stuff over there.Maybe he'll send me some of those high tech bass lures they make there(yeah right).Thanks, i'll try again tomorrow or the next day.
  3. Whoooa....Man I just sat here and read FF's post over and over about ten times and couldn't figure it out either,and then I read on down.I was wondering if he used a special net for that(I was thinking,now he sprays silver and gets black scales and what...)guess that's why you need to read the whole thread first. P.S. You are da man,those colors are awesome,great looking bait.
  4. I don't mean to take up space,but I have a terrible learning curve on these computers,especially when my kids are not with me.Man you're a lot of trouble Mark..haha:lol: http://s268.photobucket.com/album/jj22/rlcam20/work
  5. Mark Poulson said he would like me to post pics of where I work,so I tried someone tell me if they can view these pics.
  6. Read something about some lures are coated with either Glosscote or Glasscote.The glasscote is used in the dental field ,the glosscote is made by testors and comes in a spray can or bottle.Any one use either of these?Also seen some lures with the line tie in the bill(poly or lexan) and its not wire,it seems to be flat and looks like aluminum or stainless.Anyone know where to get these.Is there any particular reason to put the line tie in the bill as opposed to in the nose of the bait?...Thanks
  7. Dang,Vodkaman you are one quick man on the keys.Some people can type and some are just peckers(like me),don't know what I did but maybe I straightened it out,thanks. Atleast I know i'm not the only TU addict up this late....
  8. After painting,how do you guys clean up hookhangers and line ties?Other than cleaning out the hole.Also when you paint and clear do you try not to get it on them,seems like if it gets up on them some after awhile the hanger gets a little stress on it and the paint and clear would be prone to cracking and water seepage
  9. Don't know if this has been talked about before but I got a tip the other day from a guy at the boat ramp on making Spook type plugs.He gets hardwood dowel rods from the hardware store.Get the diameter you want,cut to length,and taper the ends.I've haven't done this yet but he said it works great.I'm pretty new to this board and I will agree Fatfingers that it needs to be a sticky so Learners like me wont have to go all over the board for some great quick tips.You guys on this board sure make my 12hr. shifts go by pretty fast at the old drawbridge.Hope this helps someone.
  10. Man, sure wish I could read Japanese,may have to get my son to translate.He wants to move there some day to get into Electronics,he probably already has a connection there.I'd love to have the Kaihatsu Chip.
  11. rlcam

    New Crankbaits

    Maybe I should have kept my big mouth shut about these Cranks,I may have to fish against someone on here in Bama.Mine are still under the tree but looks like I may have to make another trip to B'ham to get some more from what I gather here.I didn't get a chance to get a good look at the deeper divers,but did buy some shallow diving square bills.I'll get em this week and try them out very soon and will post back on the outcome.It's good to hear the Spots love them,they maybe my new go to lures(proto type I got in the mail if any one in the Bass Club asks) .Finally posted something on here that got two pages of replies...Thanks guys.
  12. I was wanting to know from you guys that use rattle cans to paint,what do you prime or seal with before you paint? Do you sand the sealer,then paint,and do you seal with the spray Lacquer.One luremaker told me he likes Krylon,so I looked a little today but there were several kinds of paint(acrylic,latex,etc)I think I can get the tecnique of the scales,stripes etc. but just didn't know exactly the steps,brand of paint,etc.Also do any of you have trouble with the paint and sealer cracking after a few uses on a Cedar bait.Have some store bought Cedar baits(great baits)but the sealer and paint always cracks....Thanks, Robert
  13. rlcam

    New Crankbaits

    Thanks alot for the imput guys,I have been there ,done that too but if you get a chance you should at least look at these.I went today but didn't get to try them but I did manage to land a very nice 4lb smallmouth,he hit a Lucky Craft crank like a frieght train,blue bird skies,slight wind,on a rip rap point,8ft.down.....didn't have my camera,imagine that....Rob
  14. Anyone tried the new line of crankbaits that AcadamySports is carrying as the in house line.I bought four yesterday and haven't tried them yet.I bought the shallow divers with a square bill.I think the name is H2O Express.They look as good as any Lucky Craft I have seen.You know how it is,always searching for something to replace that $15.00-$20.00 crankbait.And these baits were only a little over three dollars each.I know how it is with cheap imitations(action,castability,weighting) all may be different,but I thought I would spend $18.00 to find out.You never know.The wife has them wrapped under the tree from my kids,but I may be able to sneak one out to test it,if I can I will report back...Rob
  15. Hey guys,my name is Robert Cameron.(Rob) some call me or(Cam) and some call me worse.I live in Russellville,Al.,I am 41 yrs.old,I am married for twenty years,have a son(14) and daughter(19),and a granddaughter(9mo.)I work as a Railroad Drawbridge Operator on the Tennessee River in Decatur,Al.I have several lures carved but have yet to paint,don't have a good place to do it right now,but I am absorbing all that I can until I get in another house with a shop.This site is really addicting,as I stay on my laptop at work,pretty much my whole 12hr. shift,you guys are amazing,thanks and I will help out when I can.....Rob
  16. I am having trouble seeing pics in some posts and in the tutorials.I know you can't see them if you are not signed in but I still can't see some even when I am signed in,any advice...Robert
  17. Thought about giving it a go with Rattle cans before I got into airbrushing and would like some thoughts on the subject.If anyone does this with success could you give some advise on what type paint,methods,tricks or anything that might be helpful,and also I would like to see some pics of some finished lures with the can jobs,thanks....Robert
  18. Nickcalderone,I live in North Al. close to Pick Wick lake,although I kinda wish I did live there.There are so many good Bass fishing lakes around here,it would be hard for me to move.I would like to retire somewhere close or maybe on down to Florida.Thanks any way
  19. Are any of the Lee Sisson baits worth collecting,do you think any will be worth anything in the future.Seen some on ebay and the guy has some called Pink eye series....mean anything,are they rare?
  20. I do not pour soft baits,but would love to see it done.Anyone have videos or know of any where some one is pouring some.I would really like to see how the tube swimbaits are done,but any will do...Thanks:popcorn:
  21. Do you guys mostly weight a bait for castability or sinking depth.I'm sure there is a fine line there where you want to get the best of both worlds.Right now most of my baits are all different weights,but when I get a pattern going so I can emulate the size and weights, so all are the same,what is a good starting point.Got some samples from Maverick and tried just hanging weights from screwed in hooks and to my amazement my lure floated upright,hope i'm on the right track.I am just wanting to start out making some for myself,so can I get one of those duplicator tools from Sears or Lowes to help get the sizes close,and with what and how do you guys weigh your baits.I have started out making a copy of a flat bait like Stanford baits,and have made some like a Poes.This site and you guys are amazing,I can only hope to get 10% closer to you guys than I already am.Just the thought of catching a winning limit(or just one keeper)on my own lures is already driving me further into this addiction,glad this is not a drug site cause i'd be HOOKED....No pun intended..Thanks
  22. rlcam


    Hope every one here has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.....Robert
  23. rlcam


    Hope every one here has a safe and happy Thanksgiving.....Robert
  24. Munkin,thanks I'll get in touch with him after Thanksgiving and let you know,he will appreciate it. Robert
  25. rlcam

    Baking jigs

    I know this is going to sound pretty dumb,but you'll have to forgive a newby.What keeps the paint on your jigs from running off when you bake it?
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