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Everything posted by rlcam

  1. Thanks Munkin,I believe thats where he got his but the one here doesn't carry them any more.
  2. Anyone know anything about them,a friend is trying to find some more and can't locate any.He said they were a little over a dollar apiece,but are one of his better fish catching blades.The ones he has ,he has had for awhile.I think I read that Horizon makes the Terminator.Don't know if they still make the original.
  3. Anyone ever use the lures from Janns,Barlows,or Lurenet?Looked them up and some look similar to Bandits,Lucky Craft,etc.I throw a Don Iovinos Splash-it alot and noticed that Barlows carries them and also some blanks that look like them,just curiuos to know if they were the same just unpainted and rigged.There are some plastic shallow divers with computer chip bills at Janns that look fair any one have any luck with any of these.Had a fishing that said he got all his poppers(POP-R's) from Barlows but can't remember if he said it chugged and blooped like a pop-r or splashed and walked the dog like a splash-it.I'm sure most of you have tried the splash-it or have heard of it,but if you haven't you'r missing a great little fish catcher.
  4. rlcam


    How do you guys get the scale,indentions or gill pattern on the foil before you paint it.
  5. rlcam

    Jig questions

    Have a few questions before I buy bulk materials for jigs.Anyone have a preference where to buy or not to buy from.Has anyone used the skirts from Do-it mold co.Also what kind of pattern (scale,barbwire etc.)do most of you use for bass jigs.What is the round rubber skirts with the glitter called.Do you guys make your skirts from bulk or buy already banded ones.Would really like to get my materials soon but a little unsure which molds skirt material and hooks to buy.Looking to make jigs to flip grass,blowdowns,docks etc.,and football jigs.They also have some good looking precast jigs at do-it.Are the Mustad ulta point and mega bite hooks the best to use.I know this is a lot at one time,but I know someone here will help.I'm at work and just talked with the wife,told her what I was up to and she said to ask your thoughts on getting an eight month old to go to sleep(ha ha).Thanks for any help.
  6. rlcam

    Jig help,please

    Clamboni I was refering to the line tie,thanks to all for the help.
  7. On the post above I am talking about some cedar baits I have carved and have stalled on.I also have some out of cypress anyone use it ? Mine are flat type plugs like a Stanford or Poes.I have hand carved all these and sanded no calipers or gages or anything,just hold it up look at it and sand.I imagine most of you are heehawing at me right now but I have to start somewhere,if I knew how to post pics I would
  8. New to this site and to lure making(as you might have read on hardbaits).What kind of skirt material is the all around best,and what does the round rubber do that silicone doesn't and what conditions would you use it over silicone.What is the best skirt collar is best(that doesn't melt over time)do any of you use wire ,and if so what type and size.What is one of the more favored head styles,I see alot of the poison tail.Would be interested in a mold for a grass jig like the all terrain tackle or the revenge jig where the eye is counter sunk if any one knows where to get one.Thanks for any help,I have a ton more but will give you a break for now.
  9. I am new(very new) to making lures and have several questions,hope this doesn't get too long.Crankbaits-1)Do most of you use through wire or twist stainless for hook hangers and line ties,do you find the stainless holds good with epoxy(what brand and type)also what size wire and where is the best place to get it.2) do you place the bellyweight so the front hook is anchored in it? 3)How do you put a rattle in a cedar bait,I like the old one knocker(where can I find them) 4)Is it possible for me to make my own(not for sale)crankbaits with out using some of the bill aligning tools and such that you guys use?After reading Vodkaman's post on death roll I almost feel too dumb to even attempt this.Sorry so long.Although I know all of this has been covered maybe a post of Beginning to end with all the details wouldn't be too much to ask.
  10. I second the black worm,I mainly use V&M.I have found that here in North Alabama our spotted bass like the big worms at night as well as largemouth.Won a tourny a couple years back on them.All spots on the big worm,had one to break my rod in half,he won lunker also.Back then I thought that was something to break my Allstar(yea right)until Istarted using good rods.Good luck.
  11. Hey everybody,glad to be a new member here.I've visited before and all of you seem to be very knowledgeable and helpful.So here's my question,I am tinkering with hand carved crankbaits and have a lot of questions,but just onefor now,do most of you epoxy in your line ties and hook hangers or use the stainless wire all the way through.I was hoping the epoxy would do the trick,because I am just an amatuer at this,not wanting to sell them,just love to bass fish and was wanting to try my hand at making a few jigs,crankbaits,and spinnerbaits.Also has any one used Cypress wood for thier bodies.If any one on here is willing to help a newbie out and don't care if I give them a call,please get me a number so I could ask a few questions and my posts won't be so long next time,thanks a bunch.
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