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About Spreckle

  • Birthday 04/10/1978

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. The answer is to keep fishing:) I'm in PA and it will be in the low 40's Saturday but we will be out there chasing what ever wants to bite. Keep at it until the hard water forces you off:yeah:
  2. Do many of you guys mix scent into your soft plastics? If so which scents do you use?(Fish scent, garlic, etc.) and how much do you typically use per cup of plastic? I read somewhere that scent will act as a softener so I assume you back off the softener??? Thanks for the info!
  3. No, I used some pre ground beans I had around the house. Maybe I'll give that a shot if it realy makes a difference. Thanks!
  4. I just made a quick batch of stick worms with coffee instead of black flake and poured some coffee in a bag with the worms and some worm oil. We will see how they work out. Not as strong of a smell as I expected however the scent is noticible. I'll let you know:)
  5. Are you still adding salt as well or is the coffee taking the place of the salt? or is the cofee simply taking the place of the glitter?
  6. Does anyone put scent in the plastic prior to pourning? If so how much scent do you put in 1 cup of plastic to make it effective? I have simply been soaking them in scent after they come out of the mold but I am curious about scent in the actual bait it self. Thanks!
  7. I poured for the first time the other night:) First batch was way to soft and tacky for my licking as I was trying to get very close to a senko. The second was better because I mixed the plastic much better although it was full of bubbles. It also seems like in order to get a senko like feel you have to back off the softener a bit and go with a bit more salt. I was realitivly pleased with the third batch but I will have to see how they work on the water?? I would love to hear any other suggestions on making the stick baits even better. I am using Del-mart mold and calhoun plastic which both seem to be good products. Thanks for the feedback:yay:
  8. Thanks guy's. I think I have heard enough not to try it. It seems like you all are OK with re melting hand poured baits however which is good. I don't want to mess around with mixing chemicals and frustrations of moisture, bubbles etc. so thanks again for the help!
  9. I read alot about people reusing there scraps or pieces cut off for new baits. Does anyone use scraps from worms they have already used to fish with? I am constantly replacing senkos becasue they are ripped in half etc and I would think I could make a bunch of worms just with the left over plastic. Also is there a problem with mixing plastics? For example, if I have 10 or 15 pieces of used senko can I throw them in a pot with new plastic etc.? Thanks!
  10. Thanks for the help guy's. Del-mart's starter kit looks like a good place to start as far as supplies and I have read all good reports about his molds so I think I'll give it a try. 99% of my fishing is in lakes with soft plastics and I spend hundreds of dollars a year on Senko's alone. This should give me something to do and maybee save a buck or two:wink:
  11. Hey guy's, I am a true newbe at making custom baits. I am interested in making stick worms Senko style for my own use. I don't want to waste everyones time responding but could someone direct me to a post, article, etc. that goes over the basics on how to make soft plastics and what you need to get started. Again this is just for fun however I'd like to do it right. Thanks!
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