I'm just starting out on making spinnerbaits. I ordered a mold,melter,wire,and hooks and beads yesterday ($100). I have old lead to melt. But my questions are. Does anyone use the jap swivels for spinnerbiats or are they junk? Or should I spend the extra 7 bucks for the worth swivels. I'm trying to keep cost somewhat low but most stuff you have to buy 100 of to get a good price. I also want to put one colorado blade on and one willowleaf on what size should they be? I will be making 3/8 and 1/2 oz. I was also looking at skirts at fishingskirts.com and was wondering how many strands they are and how long they are? I figure I still have a 100 bucks worth of stuff to order between the skirts,blades,swivels,clevises, and some type of paint. Thanks for all the help.