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Everything posted by Sportyguy66

  1. Middle one is a Threadfin Shad bottom one is an American Shad
  2. CA Delta I'm from your area I live in Sacramento and alot of guys have been using my lures to fish the American & the Delta for Stripers and Black bass with good success. I just started making lures a year and a half ago. Thought maybe I could start out slow and maybe have a business I like doing by the time I'm ready to retire in 20 years. So much for waiting 20 years. If I had the capacity I probaly could do it for a living but I just can't produce the amount of lures needed on my own. But I'm working on it. Now that theres a demand I need to figure out how to produce. I get Guys from the East Coast Calling and wanting to Supply their tackle shop and where talking 1000 a year. That's alot of custom lures and that's just one Store. Knowing my capabilties right now I have to turn rhem down Naturally. One think I can say is It sure Helps to have Really hard core Fishing Friends that fish all over the World and Know how to Catch fish. If You go for it Good luck maybe we'll meet someday Joe Rivera Chief Lure Builder Bodega Bay Lures
  3. Does anyone make blades Similar to the High Rollers
  4. I've been using my airbrushes for over a year now without a moisture trap and haven't had any problems
  5. Anyone know of wholesale suppliers who make Pikie Lips?
  6. I just got asked to make some Zara Spook Size lures in the 3-4 inch size and was hoping one of you who's been making smaller lures this size could point me in the right Direction. What size Screw eyes do you guys use? Also any good glow in the dark paints you know of I could use in my Air Brush? Thanks Joe
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