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Everything posted by Heracles

  1. Once again, thank you very much for all the answers. It'll help me quite a bit to make baits almost as nice as yours
  2. BobP Is the .031 stainless wire strong enough to be able to screw it into lets say, basswood? Do we need to drill a pilot hole first?
  3. Many Thanks! You anwsered my questions perfectly! I'll go ahead and try Devcon.
  4. Hi guys! I've been making hardbaits for about 2 months now and i'm using Envirotex Lite to coat my baits. I really like the finish it gives and I like the fact that it's liquid enough not to leave brush strokes when it dry. The only down side is that it's very long to dry. Depending on the humidity level, it can take up to 7 or 8 hours to dry I know by reading all your posts that Devcon 2 ton is a one of the favorite product to coat baits. Since I can't find that product in store in my region, I'm thinking of ordering on the net but before i'de like to have a bit of information. Does it dry faster than Envirotex? Is it liquid enough not to leave brush stroke. Should I thin it with a bit of acetone? Does it stay clear as oppose to other epoxies that turns yellow? Thanks! PS English isn't my mother tongue so sorry about all those mistake...
  5. Hello! My is Denis and I live in Montreal, Canada I discovered this site about a month ago and I love it! I started making Hardbaits 2 months ago and since I found this site I got a lot better! There's so many talented peoples here, it's pretty amazing. I learned a lot so far, Thanks Guys! Here's an exemple
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