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Everything posted by dixiet

  1. hey good to hear from ya, I hear you about the cost of gear and tackle Great site for learning how to make woodie lures I belong to Muskie Canada Sudbury Chapter There is a chapter in Mississauga it's a fantasic organization with tons of Musky fishing check out the website Muskie Canada tell them the" outing junkie from sudbury" sent ya....you won't be dissappointed dont' use this site much but if you want more info mmm.dempster@sympatico.ca Please no junk e-mail Tim General Information Online Membership Form Outings Resources Sponsors Angler Log Program Contact Us Know The Difference Club Information Who Are We? Current Initiatives Accomplishments Why Join? How to Join? The Release Journal MCI Hall of Fame Chapters Mississauga Welcome to Muskies Canada Sport Fishing and Research Inc. The Toronto Blowout IS COMING!! June 12th, 13th, 14th Latest News
  2. Good luck' let us know how it works:yay: Tim
  3. Does it matter if a crank is on a drying wheel vertically or horizontally Thanks dixiet
  4. Thanks Birdman Haven't been able to find 2ton here in Sudbury Ontario but the 5 min. stuff I found is very strong. If using screw eyes and once set snd cured there is no way I can remove them, with a pair of vice grips I twist and the shank breaks the screw eyes are i 5/16" long Like the lip info by the way:worship:
  5. Thanks BobP That's what I was doing wrong, I was putting epoxy on the lip as well as the slot, making an awful mess I was worried about the gap along the sides as the epoxy settled into it, but now I see how the clear coat would fill that up Thanks TimD:lol:
  6. Go to search forms look for toony roach, you'll be directed to a form click on that and go to page 3 you'll see the maker find the center of gravity for placing his weights etc Hope this helps Tim
  7. check out this thread by KALAMIES.COM called tonny roach(search forums) I didn't know how to pull it up I was having same problem weighting Large cranks 12" long they were falling to the side I used a small block of maple(hard wood) 6"x4"approx cut in half (length wise)with table saw. Clamped it together and drilled different dia. size holes and lenghts at the split providing me with holes to pour tire weights different lenghts and different dia.clamp together Using elastic around your crank place different weight on belly moving forward and backward side to side till bait sits in the water the way you like ballist or weight usually just past center towards the front as it contains the most wood I have just started using a smaller dia hole and shorter depth near the tail for added weight. I use white cedar because it's available, but it's light and needs weight. My cranks 12'' weigh 6-7 oz before paint(rattle cans) 2 coats of nu-lustre 55 and hardware If you can't find the post previous mentioned let someone know Tim
  8. When I glue my lips into place the glue (5 min epoxy) runs, Ive tried waiting for it to set up a bit before I use it so it's not so drippy but I still manage to get lots on the lip and the sides of the baits. I find I can sand the glue off the baits easy enough but is there a way to get the epoxy off the lip once it has cured. I know u can use Naptha before it cures but what about after it cures You may have a suggestion on how you install your lips on your crankbaits Thanks in Advance Tim
  9. dixiet

    New Featherlite Perch Swimbait

    Beauty Those Muskoka Muskies don't stand a chance Tim D Sudbury
  10. Sudbury Ontario making wood musky baits or at least trying recognize a few canuks with different handles:lol: Muskies Canada Sudbury Chapter "the outing junkie" Tim PS ...great site:worship:
  11. That's an awesome pic tutorial the one pic I need explaining is the one with the weight tied to the belly of the bait while it is hanging is that to find the centre of gravity for the ballist insert. Thanks Tim
  12. Hey guys forgot to mention the tail .....made some jointed and made some stationary....we'll see what works Has anyone seen/fished a bait with a stationary tail?
  13. Excellent comments guys, in regards to the lips I screw the lexan lips to the underside of the baits with a desired angle which now will be aquired with the use of my kids hair straightner, not curler as I almost was considering, To me what's the dif:lol: Gratis info from hazmail I think it was. The Ice is 2ft thick on the lakes and 4ft of snow still on the front lawn I 'll just keep pluging:lol:away Thanks for the great info keep it coming Tim
  14. I'm making 13 inch Musky crankbaits out of red cedar with lexan lips #1 question........ are weights necessary? I have no problem if they float at rest. this pic not red cedar and I know it has a knot but if I turn it over it disappears:lol: Question #2........has any ever fished with a lure with a stationary tale like this one? All Comments Welcome Thanks for helping me become a better lure builder Tim
  15. dixiet

    wood sealer

    Birdman, Do you have a product name? Thanks, Tim
  16. dixiet

    lexan lips

    Great Idea I'll be sure to give it a try I knew that there were some great ideas out there Thanks so Much:) Tim
  17. dixiet

    lexan lips

    yup read his tutorial, it was great, just wanted to see other peoples way of doing things Tim
  18. dixiet

    lexan lips

    I screw my lexan lips to the belly of my musky lures just wondering what methods you may have used to angle your lexan lips i.e Torch mircowave boiling water hair dryer I'm sure there should be some good answers out there, I use a torch:flame: Thanks Tim
  19. I had the same problem using rattle cans and I discovered that the netting must be tight on the lure so the paint cannot run under the netting This is what I do with an open pizza box(top vertical) place lure on it's side on the bottom of box, place netting over top and secure in place with tacks that have a little handle on them making sure the netting is tight on all points of the lure, odd shaped are a little more difficult. Spray directly over top of the side of the lure, if you spray on an angle paint will go underneath the netting Remove pins only on one side of the netting and vary carefully pull back the netting ,do this when the paint is wet or else the paint will peel Sorry have't figured out how to insert pics yet Good Luck Tim
  20. dixiet

    wood sealer

    I know this topic has had much disscussion:argue: but all I want to know is where I can buy a product that seals the wood so I may tub test may wooden bait, prior to painting and top coating, don't want to know what it's made from, don't care about the techincal properties, just want to apply it and check the action of my lure. hopefully sold in Canada Thanks in Advance Tim
  21. Great site having trouble getting the pics for a drying machine I'll keep trying. If u want to email me with your pics (plans) that may work better. Started making crankbait about 2 wks ago seems to be going well except I'm having some difficulty with them running true, even when I turn the eye screw in the opposite direction:angry: Also using rattlle paint cans seems to be very difficult when trying to fade colors into one another:drool: . Have got a wealth of info from u guys keep up the good work. dixiet
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