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Everything posted by headstails

  1. We have just added a ton of closeouts on our site. Stop by and check em' out...www.shop.htlureco.com

  2. headstails

    My Jig Heads

    Jig Heads...It's What We Do. Now Quality Economy Bucktail Jigs.
  3. headstails

    MicroSwarm 'A Rigs'

    MicroSwarm(top lure) Our smallest version of the 'A Rig'. 5" long with .030 wire and our 75# Cross-Lock snap swivel. We have a couple thousand of these left over from the big rush last year. 9 color patters (7 in color photo + wh/Pk + XE Shad). These retail for $12-$15 each. On sale for $10 on our site (www.shop.htlureco.com) I'm just looking to get the investment back at this point. If you would like a large quantity of them...I will surely do better on the price(25-$8.00 / 50-$7.50 / 100-$5.00). Contact info is listed on our site or message me here.
  4. headstails

    Sales Representatives

    We have been in business for over 20yrs and have annual sales of over 2million lures. We look to continue our growth with creative and entergetic sales representatives. We have roughly 2500 sku's targeted at both fresh and salt water species. All products are retail packaged with Bar Codes. Here's how it works: You get the orders and turn them in daily via fax or email. We drop ship the orders directly to the customer/dealer. When we receive payment, a check is issued to you for a percentage of the order. All tools needed will be provided: 2013 Catalogs Product literature Product Samples We will help you with the product knowledge and selling tips needed to be successful.
  5. We have been in business for over 20yrs and have annual sales of over 2million lures. We look to continue our growth with creative and entergetic sales representatives. We have roughly 2500 sku's targeted at both fresh and salt water species. All products are retail packaged with Bar Codes. Here's how it works: You get the orders and turn them in daily via fax or email. We drop whip the orders directly to the customer/dealer. When we receive payment, a check is issued to you for a pe...

  6. ALABAMA style casting umbrella RIGS.....Hey guys...I have had several manufacturers ask me to make these things....so here they are. In the last 3 days I have sold over 1500 of these in California alone. I also have a 3 wire version that is getting around the 'ban' of these things. I can not seem to get a photo loaded up but check out our site.....front page. www.shop.htlureco.com

  7. ALABAMA style casting umbrella RIGS.....Hey guys...I have had several manufacturers ask me to make these things....so here they are. In the last 3 days I have sold over 1500 of these in California alone. I also have a 3 wire version that is getting around the 'ban' of these things. I can not seem to get a photo loaded up but check out our site.....front page. www.shop.htlureco.com

  8. Hey guys...I have had several manufacturers ask me to make these things....so here they are. In the last 3 days I have sold over 1500 of these in California alone. I also have a 3 wire version that is getting around the 'ban' of these things. I can not seem to get a photo loaded up but check out our site.....front page. www.shop.htlureco.com
  9. We are in the process of listing our brand name 'Heads & Tails' for sale. We have a solid customer base on the entire east coast with a strong base in the New England states. We have annual sales of $150,000. The product line consists of bucktail jigs, nylon lures, and jig heads. I can email our 2011 dealer catalog if you have a serious interest. You can contact me at (607)739-7900
  10. Hey guys....we just added about 100 or so new items to the site. Lots of blades, clevises, weedguards, split rings, along with many other DIY items. www.shop.htlureco.com .

  11. headstails

    413 jig hooks 6/0 7/0

    In the future...we stock the Mustad vision...34184. Www.shop.htlureco.com
  12. On our site we have a Mustad single hook tied with Bucktail. A red feather can be added. www.shop.htlureco.com
  13. headstails

    painted spin jig heads

    I have about hundred of these jigs. They have a small stainless loop on the bottom for attaching a blade. 3/4oz with 4/0 Mustad black nickel ultra point hooks. Painted in a pearl powder paint with recessed eye socket for molded eyes. $50 includes the shipping in the states add $10 for international shipping.
  14. Well, It's finally here. Water got real hard this last week. Had a couple guys using our Micro'X'. Caught some nice perch and blue gill. Merry X-Mas to all and a very safe New Years.

  15. Hey G-Dawg, I would have to agree with not using the Hot Glue. Strings, smears, and just flat out doesn't stick. My suggestion is to start with the expensive WTP eyes. The imported ones don't stick( always buy USA). I use a small seringe with some head cement. Its thin to not make a mess, it eats into the powder to hold strong, and it dries quick. After that I clear the whole lure. I do this on all jigs and spinnerbaits that require eyes. After 20 yrs and roughly 2,000,000 lures annually....we have done just a little bit of trial and error.lol I have attached a link to our site so that you can take a look at some good photos of spinnerbaits with eyes. http://shop.htlureco.com/Painted-Spinnerbait-Heads_c118.htm Hope this helps....
  16. Hey JRD, I know this is a pretty old post but wanted to share my input. I have also taken the UM Jig mold and modified it for spinnerbaits. The wire comes out at the same angle and the heads pour great. We only use aluminum molds for models but for what you are doing there really is no need to spend the extra money for another mold. Small file, steady hand, and about 10-15 minutes and you have a spinnerbait mold. If you have not already done so...you can see the heads we produce on our site. shop.htlureco.com They are under the 'spinnerbait heads' catagory. Best of luck
  17. Wow is it getting cold. Won't be long and the water will be hard enough to get on. Stop by and check out all the new goodies. www.shop.htlureco.com . Happy Thanksgiving!!!

  18. We have just listed an amazing line of spinnerbaits. Paint is out of this world. Stop by and check 'em out.

    1. macstackleman


      Where do we go to check them out?

    2. headstails


      Sorry. www.shop.htlureco.com

  19. Thanks for the help. I buy direct from MUSTAD and stock a bunch of there hooks but not this one. I'll have to get in my catalog and take a look. (Here's my plug....we have hooks on our site in 100 packs...just wouldn't be right if I didn't...lol) Sounds like a cool looking jig...have any photos?
  20. [color="#0000ff"]We specialize in High Quality Fishing Lures. Bucktail jigs, jig heads, and casting minnows for both freshwater and saltwater. All of our products are proudly Made in the USA. We are a distributor of MUSTAD hooks. Many styles and sizes in stock. If you don't see it...we can get it. We invite you to stop by and check us out. See what 'Made in USA' is all about. Fish On, The Heads & Tails Family[/color]
  21. We have the capability to make silicone production molds inhouse. We cast and paint roughly 2million fishing lures each year. Most of which are molds we have made for other companies. The mold cost varies depending on size but I would be willing to take a look and let you know what the mold would cost and price on casting and painting the lure.
  22. We have purchase over 50 molds from Shawn. His work is great but his business ethics are less desirable. About 20 of our molds were custom. We paid extra money so that the molds would not be reproduced. Now they are in his catalog and everyone up and down the east coast is purchasing them....Just bad business. I now make all of my own molds as we produce everything in house for our products. We spent over $15,000 with him and this is how we are treated. Lost my business.
  23. hey wingnut, we are in the process of designing some new ice jigs and these are exactly what we sould like to start producing. Wouldn't suppose I could get your recomendation on the hook style. Maybe a Mustad ref#?
  24. We have recently updated our web sites. We invite you to stop by

  25. We have a 1" coil that we stock. Have about 40,000. Your cost is .07 each. They come in 100pc bags. Please contact me at (607) 739-7900. Hope this helps. Clint Kellar Heads & Tails Lure Co. headstails@stny.rr.com
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