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Everything posted by RobShaw-BasSport

  1. RTV is how many of us started. For me, I guess Ive been pouring for close to 15 years. When the custom aluminum molds first hit the market, I, like many others quickly bought everything that was available. Unfortunately, the 3 or 4 guys that makes these molds are not able to keep up with the demand and the customer service for atleast one of them is deplorable. When I find some free time nowadays and want to pour a bag of worms for friends or myself, I find myself reaching for one of my trusty rtv silicon molds!
  2. Yeah, I know the feeling and many of us know who you're referring to. Makes you want to purchase your own cnc mill!
  3. redg8r, are you near lakeland? I think thats close to where Lee lives.
  4. Ive been purchasing molds from the guys listed (Bob and Del) since they first began. I own every mold from those guys (that interest me). I know Bob suffered a fire some time ago and I also know that he and Zach Alter used to come up with some great stuff. Bob's customer service has always been second to none, I was just asking if anyone had any updated info. My question was not meant to be negative in any way.
  5. Bob hasnt updated his site in awhile. Has anyone ordered from him lately and do you know if he has any new designs in the works? Thanks.
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