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Everything posted by Neptune

  1. SPEEDBUGGY, Both of the motors you referenced, have extremely short motor shafts, (approximately 5/16 inch long) which unless you have access to a metal lathe, you can not connect them accurately, so that there is no wobble on the lure turner. Even if you have access to a metal lathe, it will take you at least 4 hours to machine and tap the shaft couplers and to make the motor mount and the two necessary pulleys to either speed up, or slow down the lure turner shaft. And the foregoing assumes that you are an experienced machinist. Keep in mind that the pulleys will require accurate bearing surfaces to support the bearing. Save yourself a lot of time and money. Buy a gearmotor with speed that you want and be done with it. Neptune *
  2. SMALLIEHUNTER Sorry, but your link (www.hagens) doesn't work! By fiddling around a lot(clicking on the link many times), you can get the following Denmark website: http://www.hagens-fjedre.com/ And I'm sure that is not the one you intended. Regards, Neptune *
  3. All American Roller Guides - Sprial, Stainless Steel Roller GuidesTightLine Here you go: The reason for over lapping the wires is to offset the splices so that they are at different locations and therefore can not touch each other. You can solder the splices or twist them tightly together. Then wrap each splice with electrical tape, then tape the two splices together. This same information can be used with the $9.00 motor which you made referenced to. But with that motor you would have to buy the Power Cord and switch. You would be way ahead using the above motor which only cost $4.00 for everything in the photo. Check out my Neptune Spiral/Acid Roller Guides at this link: All American Roller Guides - Sprial, Stainless Steel Roller Guides Then click on these buttons: Specifications | Advantages | Colors | Pricing | Catches Neptune *
  4. TightLinez, If you wait a day or so, I will post information regarding the details of both motors in your latest post.(Sunday 11:46 A.M. Jan.25) The Motor assembly at Burden Sales Surplus Center Item Detail is the best buy, because it is less expensive, plus you get the line cord an other parts that you will need. Neptune *
  5. Click on this link to get a 5 RPM 115volt AC motor. It does not need a Transformer and comes with the electrical cord. Burden Sales Surplus Center Item Detail Neptune *
  6. If you look closely at the base of the nose ring, you can see a even line or meniscus on both sides of the ring, where the glaze ends. This is an absolute indication that the lure was not sprayed, but dipped in to the glaze finish. If it had been sprayed, the end portion of the ring would have been masked off, in which case there would be a sharp and uneven parting line (without a meniscus) of the finish on the ring, when removing the masking tape. The glaze into which the lure was dipped, had to be very thin and free flowing to allow such even coating all over the lure. I have watched Graphite USA (GUSA) coat their rod blanks by suspending them by the tip, then pouring a proprietary rod finish coating on the tip and allowing it to flow down covering the entire rod blank with a thin uniform coating. GUSA also puts color pigments into this coating to get the many beautiful colored rods that they produce. Trondak's U-40 Perma Gloss, is the most likely glaze/coating on the lure. It is water thin and rapidly drys to a hard shell finish. Test the surface with you finger nail and if the finish is hard, then it's Perma Gloss. If it is relatively soft, then it is a much thinned rod wrapping epoxy. Neptune *
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