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ravenlures last won the day on July 20 2022

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About ravenlures

  • Birthday 01/05/1943

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    Porterfield, WI
  • Interests
    Making Lures, Fishing and traveling, some golf. And a CUB & Bears fan.

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  1. barrybait Remember me from the Musky show a few years back . Still at it but just older Joe my grandson gave me a great grandson. All doing fine here. Thanks' for the advice starting to go back to Cedar lures. Raven Lures Wayne
  2. I will make some up on scrap wood first Waqyne
  3. Thanks Mudbug Just wondering if I should when twisting wire should I twist them together and epoxy them last or should I make up a pin set up with a SS tube and some sort of stops through the wires. Wayne
  4. McMaster Carr has different size SS wire I could go with .062 to .100 and mess with one size wire. thanks, I will start twisting some wire and just epoxy into some scrap cedar. Thanks Wayne
  5. Need some help on jointing a musky bait. I plan on making 8" Northern type fish and want it to be jointed. Will be made from cedar 5/8" thick. I am thinking of using .092 SS eyes 2" long epoxide in or some type of pin set up, not sure which to go. Any information would be greatly appeached. Thanks Wayne
  6. Flat or round type of bait will help. One saw that really helped me was my radial saw for round lures I would cut them top down or bottom up. flat I would make a jig for my table saw and set the angle for what I needed. I also looked around for the right blade for the saws with the right kerf of thickness of the cut to meet the the lip size. Along time I had a blade made to the right thickness of 3/16" with a flat cut and it still is working great. Well worth the cost back then $60.00. Just use that head of yours and figure it out and come up with a jig to hold your lure. Wayne
  7. Does anyone make tail fins for 8" northern or Perch 8" Wayne
  8. First what type of coating are you using? Second, I don't think leaving the lures in front of a fan is necessary I think all you are doing is fanning the lure with humid air just heat with a heat gun, flame, hair dryer. I use Etex for my final 2 coats. At times I thin my Etex with denatured alcohol when humid in my basement during summer in the winter not needed humidity down to 35%. Hair dryer for Createx coating flame or heat gun, depends on size of lures, I make mostly Musky lures which I coat with Etex and smaller 6" and under I use KBS. Wayne
  9. It's a 3-piece swim bait I wonder if spraying would be better and brush around the sections using KBS, I am worried about bubbles, generally dip but this is my first swim bait. I will use rubber bands and see how that works. Wayne
  10. How do you clear coat swim baits that you cannot take apart without them sticking up and not moving. I can hardly see the SS joints. Need some advice on this. They are plastic. Wayne
  11. So true Mark, I have good intentions when I paint, but these guys are just as said ARTISTI Wayne
  12. A 12- to 14-foot-long lure is pretty big, Just kidding I am no carver I do most of my work on a lathe but, that size which I think is about 3" I would have started with a piece of balsa or bass wood, sands better, than see how it works and if you want cedar than switch to it. I am sure the guys who do carving will help you. Wayne
  13. no that's a good question when nothing comes out, that's the best answer I can give you. sometimes I wonder myself when empty. wayne
  14. Bigfish just use Bloxygen and you should not have problems. I do not let my lures drip in the jar when dipping. When done dipping I let my lure run into the KBS with a little to drip outside the jar, not sure if it really does anything just that's the way I do it. Wayne
  15. I thinned my KBS at 10% using their thinner. I am still using my quart bought over a year ago and have no problems in the jar I am using, which is a wide mouth. I do use Bloxygen each time I open and close my jar. I dip my 6" and smaller lures and on my musky lures I use Etex Lite either brushed on or poured on depending on size of lure. The KBS I just let them drip with wire for run off. The jar I use is glass and I use Petroleum Jelly on the lid after thinning and stirring the thinner, I let it stand for two days to let all the bubbles be removed. Always watch when dipping you don't touch the jar with your lure, so no Vaseline gets on the lure. My musky lures go on a lure turner getting two coats of the epoxy, and dip twice on the small lures. Wayne
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