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Everything posted by ravenlures

  1. Why not when fishing and they are biting on colored jigs throw out same jig unpainted and just see. Like most colored lures they catch the fisherman first than the fish. Wayne
  2. I came up with this idea maybe already done but this worked for me. Just drilled a few different debth sizes for different weights. I hope the picture comes in. It kinda tells what I did, It worked great for moving weights around to balance lure or at least get close. Wayne
  3. Well I went to where I worked and used their comparator and it went well. I will have to dump this project because I would need a large screen, the company has a 14" and that was to small. The lure was magnified 10X, I had the used just the lure head to measure and it was close to my measurements. So I will move on to check out the overhead projector for setting the bill into place, I guess this is overkill. Thanks for your thoughts Wayne
  4. I'll look into that also. Thanks for the thought. Wayne
  5. Not really sure. The idea is to have a high intensity light, then part, then the lens to maganify it on a mirror which reflects it to another mirror and from that mirror to a screen in front of you. You should maganify it at least ten times. Look up on ebay under optical comparators. I would love to have one but to much money for me. They are simple to make. I did it on my desk, I held the end of a lure up against the desk light then a simple maganifying glass about 8 inches from the lure and made a shadow of the lure on the piece of paper which would be a mirror to reflect up to another mirror then to the screen. Try it you will get the idea. The main thing is a good lense they sell them on ebay also but the price is to much for me. Maybe someone who knows more about comparators can jump in. They come in all different sizes 8" to 3' screens. Wayne
  6. I belive this would work perfectly for this. It will show how square it is cut into the lure, one reason I am looking into this, you would set up a jig of some sort to do it, I went on ebay and looked up lenses and you just might find one that will be cheap enough to use. Or maybe one at a fleamarket. Come Monday I am going to where I worked and try it on there comparator which is a 15 or 20 grand one. I will let you know of the results. I played with a regular magnifier and it cast a shadow just holding it, not very good but it will work. Wayne
  7. With a light all you have to do is focus and turn the screen to square up and move up or down or even sideways to measure. The screen has a grid on it to square up with, its just the measuring with the carrage is the problem. Maybe something off a old lathe or some sort of a dial calipers. I will try and set up something with my small lathe/mill and a laser. Can't wait for the snow to go away, thinking too much inside the house. If I get one lure right they will all be ok, until I go to another size bait, these are Musky baits. Maybe I am just trying to get it perfect when really not needed that close, but the bigger the lure the closer it has to be to square. Wayne
  8. ravenlures

    U.v. Craze

    I belive it is more of a contrast with surroundings, yellow lure above green or through green weeds stick out like a sore thumb. Why do guys use black lures at night still must be contrast with the area. As Paul said blue goes down the deepest, The guys here fishing for trout in Green Bay like Blue and Silver the most. Blue can be seen down 30 feet or more add silver for flash. UV Light will go as deep as the water and clouds will let it. Wayne
  9. Well all they are, is a light a lense two mirrows and a screen. A lense that you can focus a carrage to move a part sideways and up and back. I would like to use one for checking my slot out for bills to see how straight they are. I worked in a inspection department before retireing and they are great. To costly on ebay and elsewhere. I serched for how to make books but none to be found. Wayne
  10. Has anyone ever made a optical comparitor. Or does someone have plans on how to make one. Wayne
  11. Thanks Bob I get your point, maybe I was trying to get to sharp of a line between colors. Ill have to set up two airbrushes and just move along to the tail of the lure. Thanks
  12. OK Whats the best way to paint a clown lure. Two and three color on a round lure. Pointed at both ends have problems with tape. Wayne
  13. Another time of putting my two cents in. While I was mixing up some plaster for dry wall, and during the cleaning process of the paddle I could see where this might work. You could see it gives out a big wherl pool efect and if in the middle of a tank you might just not have so much turbulance, plus it can be on a variable speed motor to regulate speed, can't wait for the snow to melt this spring so I can get outside to do some testing. Anyone ever consider this. Wayne
  14. Just wondering if any results were made from the Musky show on hancrafted lure contest yet. Can't seem to find any information on the show.
  15. I hope that I can explane my thoughts here. If we pump water in a tunnel below the testing water and it goes around and goes up a slide to were the testing is it will not be disturbed by the pumped water,like the filtering of a fish tank, hopefully leveling out and get rid of he turbulance. The pump will be submerged in the tank at one end. It will receive its water by the level in the tank. You just have to adjust the pump for flow rate. Now I can see you might need more water the faster you go so you might need a overflow system to hold more water than is in the tank. boy thats alot of typing for me just a thought
  16. Something to consider is gutter guards the ones with the holes and screen, they look like 1/4" holes but are 4" wide. You can put two together and see if that will help. Just my , I will be making something this summer. Wayne
  17. Check out this place http://www.tcpglobal.com/autoaircolor/auto-air-color-kits.aspx
  18. I can't advise you on the ring but a fellow that I buy maple from did a picture frame with that pattern from a maple board and stained it. The stripes were dark and the rest was orange, it look fantastic. He used dyes.I tried some myself on a lure but did not come out looking like I wanted, maybe I will try again this summer. Great looking lures just in the unfinished wood. Wayne
  19. Heres a couple of places you can try. www.metalworksstamping.com Dale Wehman great guy to work with. Also cbcustomlips@yahoo.com they custom cut I just sent them a print to bid on. Wayne
  20. It seems to me that a test tank is just that, a starting point for fine tuning a lure, but the best place is in the the lake or river for testing. While I think I will build one myself his summer for winter testing, since it freezes up here in NE Wisconsin. I could cut a slot in the ice I guess. Wayne
  21. Thanks I will try all of the above. Wayne
  22. Does anyone make the scale pattern that look like punched out half holes that you move as you spray. I just tried cutting out some, not bad but I did it on paper and I know that it won't last long. I did spray clear coat on it to give it some strenght. I did try vinyl and that did not work for me. Maybe someone has a trick up their sleeve that would help. Thanks Wayne
  23. First great job. I am working on my 14' lund, on hold now till snow goes away, but wondering how tippy is it when sitting up front. That is what I plan on doing to mine. Mine is a little deeper V bottom, or so it looks like from your pictures. Wayne
  24. We made alot of rockets before we made it to the moon. What will come off of this product, we always start somewhere. Good Luck to him or her.
  25. I came upon this patent which I do not or want to mess with it looks to complicated but interesting. http://www.google.com/patents/US8028464?printsec=drawing#v=onepage&q&f=false Who ever I wish him all the luck in the world it just might be the lures of the future, look at the changable jig from Lindy's
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