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Everything posted by ravenlures

  1. One point to remember is how they act to plastics, you could end up with a mess. I used a concrete sealer and it was cheap and easy to use then I went fishing and the lures were stuck to my carpet along with with the plastics. When dipping KBS you get a lot of lures out of a quart and no problems. I haven't used automotive urethane clear but the smell I would think is the same as KBS. Although available with no need for shipping as with KBS. I will check it out. Wayne
  2. Vodkaman Will the temperature of the water make any kind of difference in the movement of the lure. Wayne
  3. KBS for me but I would dip before I would spray, unless you are set up for spraying with proper equipment. Wayne
  4. Could also be where you place the line tie. Tighter wiggle seems to be tied closer to head of lure. Wayne
  5. When I started making lures, I started making just jigs but then one day I took a 1/2" dowel and cut it to a size of about a 1 1/2" long, put a hook with feathers on it and on the very first cast I caught a small mouth bass the fish was hooked and so was I. That was in the 80's and still making lures from small to big even sold some so yes there have been thousands of lure types but a lot of them don't make it. There are some really good baits that most guys make for them self's and have still been making them for years and catching fish. So welcome to fun and few nipped fingers, not too bad and a joy of making a lure, just use your imagination and let it fly you will laugh at some but keep trying. Good luck and enjoy. Wayne
  6. I hope this works This is what I do most of my sanding with. I made a long shaft on this motor so a noodle (swimming) would fit tight then put a sanding tube on and it is very flexible and I can round corners nicely. A disk is on another sander which I made, the whole works is on wheels so I move where I need it Wayne
  7. For Juice 780 KBS is a great product, do not get into trying to get cheaper products, stick with the one that works for you. In the long with no problems it will justify the cost. Cheap is not always better. Make a quality lure an they will purchase. You can always find ways to save money by bulk buying, first you have to sell the bait. Wayne
  8. I tried a concrete sealer and found that it is not good with other plastics baits. Not for me. Wayne
  9. As I said in the past, I stick with ETex Epoxy for my large lures and KBS for my smaller lures I gave up chasing top coats. Wayne
  10. Did you try EBAY I bought some nice wood jointed lures on there. Wayne
  11. Maybe take the prop off and just with a rattle, but the feather is a good idea, or a grub with a stinger hook. Wayne
  12. Maybe it just needs a rattle so it can be gobbled up. Wayne
  13. I use White Cedar and mask when turning on lathe and sanding is a must. I like White Cedar over Red Cedar less grain to work with when sanding, If I am making a lure to mold then Maple or Bass wood is my choice. Wayne
  14. I think you want in one shot for your lure to work, let me tell you it just don't work that way. I would have carved out a lure close to want you want and go from there, that way you have a better understanding of how it will work before going to a 3D printer and making a mold. Trial and error will give you a better understanding in the long run of how your lure will work, I guess I am old school that's the way I just do things at 77 you just can't teach old dogs new tricks. Wayne
  15. When I use the restorer I run it thru a towel folded two or three times then pour back into the jar I have for that, don't forget to squeeze the towel into the jar also. Wayne
  16. Just stay away from that stuff we have enough problems in this country now, soapy water or windex please stay safe. Wayne
  17. When I am brushing I have a ice cream bucket with hot soapy water and when I change colors I just run my brush through the water till clean, and when done for the day just blow the water till clean. Wayne
  18. Check out some old brooms cut to size. Wayne
  19. I blow out the eyes with my airbrush leaving a minimum of KBS. Wayne
  20. First choice is.....Basswood...….Then Maple Wayne
  21. You also can check out Balsa USA Wayne
  22. Don't know what style you have but I bet it is where you put the weight, I would think it should be towards the tail. Also how you retrieve the lure, go to you tube on how to walk the dog fishing lures lots there. Wayne
  23. I just like KBS for smaller lures etex for musky lures. Take a look at the head of the lure hold it up to eye level and see if the lip is on a angle towards one side or the other, it is easy to not notice but if it is off then your lure will never run true. Wayne
  24. On that size bait I would finish with KBS 2 dips, no etex. Wayne
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