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bear21211 last won the day on June 12 2024

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About bear21211

  • Birthday 12/28/1964

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  1. Ultra Molds Make Ultra Molds. Bears Baits Makes Bears Baits molds! Chris Got us started but we hae been making our own for over 3 years
  2. It is not an opaque color!! Start with white
  3. We get our Salt from Cargill But we buy 4800 lbs at a time. If you need a sack or two Give me a shout.
  4. Not yet but we are working on a couple more different sizes
  5. I have to get pictures of the 4.25 yet. That is the 4.25 bait next to the 6.5 in the picture
  6. That is our RZR Craw we have a 6.5" and a 4,25"
  7. 11 More Days and Plastic goes back to normal price. Thanks all for your support. Bear
  8. We are running a sale on all sizes of Liquid Plastic through the end of March!!
  9. the inner hole on ours is .360 the outter diameter is .602
  10. The FFW 600 is .341 on width the TW is .345 ours has a little more flat depth than the TW does and we use a tighter step over on the lower portion of the body which is .05 the step over on the 450 is .04 Did not see the guy ask about a HR mold!! So why comment?
  11. E5i50blitzWhen we do custom mold work for customers, there is time that goes into discussing the design and action of the bait and such that the customer wants. With doing this over time we have learned a lot of things to do and not to do to make a bait perform a certain way. That being said if you find someone that knows a little of what they are doing and have been doing it for a while they will be able to help you with your quest, and make your project as easy as possible. As far as cost goes you are correct these molds are extremly cheap for what you are getting. The reason for that is we rely on selling multiples of these molds over the years. When doing custom work the customer is charged for our cad and cam time and then we also charge for our machine time and material. As far as cutter wear well lets see i have been running a lot of my cutters for over 3 years and they have not wore out yet so we do not factor that in. If I am wearing out or breaking cutters that fast I need to be optimizing my tool paths to eliminate that. I would rather have a detailed drawing with all of the deminsions that you want met of your design to work from than anything else. We have found using drawings from Cad engineers take us a lot more time to get the mold ready than it does from a drawing. We do not need all of the detail that they put into a drawing. We have to keep it simple as we only need one boundry for our tool path creation and when we deal with there drawings we normally have to go in and remove numerous boundries (lines) that we can not use. We try to saty within about .002 with our tolerences if that woud work for you. We create the 3d model and let you inspect it first. We then will create the mold and calculate all of the tool paths and cut a prototype mold . That mold will be tested here to make sure it works properly then sent to the customer. Sometimes you get lucky and nail it on the first shot . If changes need to be made they should only be minimial and usually the second go is a charm. If we can help or answer any questions give us a shout. Bear
  12. We have the heaters in stock $45.00 for two wired into one plug. The blocks or whatever piece you need we can sell you. We have been working 18 to 20 hour days trying to keep up with the sale we have going on. So my phone time is very limited right now. We hope you all have avery Safe and Happy Holiday Season!!
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