one mans opinion versus another .......kind of like the Ford vs Chevy debate. Everything has its place at one time or another and for what we do I feel the Presto Pot can be compared to the sta-warm. It heats our plastic , keeps it mixed, does not burn or scorch it with a tiny bit of user input and will pour as many if not more baits in a day. Who cares if it is just us rookies that make them and not a big company. This is not aerospace its pouring plastic worm. The presto Pot gets the job done for way less money.
In my opinion it does compare. I am not debating if the sta-warm is a good unit, I know it is. I also know that they cost way more. I also know I can tighten a bolt with a craftsman wrench the same way I can a snap-on.
If I read anything wrong I apologize. The 2 objects in question basically serve the same purpose, they are tools of our trade for pouring our baits. They are both great tools regardless of what they cost.