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About fourbizzle

  • Birthday 03/28/1985

fourbizzle's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Lookin for a bait for a buddy. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for all the replies guys. Hadnt considered the table saw. With the depth and fence set properly, that should be a no brainer. Big DUH! on the hand miter box, I think I have one laying around. General consensus is, whatever the method, cut first and shape later?
  3. If you are lacking a bandsaw, how do you guys cut in joints on large wood baits? The scroll saw has proved infuriating with a shaped bait, so I am next going to try cutting the joint in with the scroll saw before shaping the bait (read: while it is rectangular) and then using a weak glue to stick the bait back together for shaping. once shaped, pop the glue and final sand. Is there a simple solution (minus expensive tool purchases) that I am missing? Maybe just using a radial miter saw with the depth guage set?
  4. specific gravity is the key as far as I can reason it. it is the denisty as compared to water not wood that you should be thinking about.
  5. My girl already has to deal with a child full time..........ME!
  6. Good point on the seal mark, i run an Iwata Hp-C Plus. I should be ok spraying nail polish and using acetone/nail polish remover to clean right?
  7. Thanks guys! Gonna give it a shot later today. Not my daughter, my girlfriend. But I am only 23.
  8. GAW! If we had those I wouldn't bass fish! I want one SOOOOOOO bad!
  9. Anybody tried spraying nail polish through your AB? Since I happen to live with a 20yr old chick I keep looking at all of these trick chameleon and pearl nail polish colors she has (100+) and I was thinking about spraying them. Any experience?
  10. fourbizzle

    8" and 10"

    That batch and 8 more have already been sold to a new big bait shop. Their site will be up in a week or two. All high end swimbaits (except mine, LOL) and nothing else. But If you want me to cook you one up now, i'd be happy to. I've never seen a pupfish in my hands, but you're right the head profile is similar, not really on purpose though. And they aren't round like the pup. Thank you guys for the kind words, coming from you guys it means alot! Jay
  11. fourbizzle

    8" and 10"

    My first proto was 2 years ago, pre punker. I ought to put a picture of that ugly old thing too
  12. fourbizzle

    8" and 10"

    Good times!
  13. fourbizzle


    I'm in California.
  14. fourbizzle


    Broke my rod on the hookset, landed her by hand. 15" Custom ribbontail worm (not built by me).
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