I think Dave is referring to taxes, and if so, he's right, no one has mentioned those yet. Get all of your licenses, tax numbers and all things that your state requires. There is a federal excise tax of 10% on sales of fishing related products. If you sell before you do this you leave yourself open for a competitor to turn you in to the IRS. This happens more than you ever thought it would. Ebay is a great place for exposure but unless your bait is really unique, you'll have to depend on people taking their time scanning Ebay to find your baits. You need a way to make them stand out. After going from hand pours to full time injection, and with many years of sales experience in retail sales of plastics, by far we did the best business with the Mom & Pop tackle stores. These shops are usually located near and around your local lakes and reservoirs. We are fortunate in our area to have 8 or 10 lakes within a 100 mile or so radius. This was the backbone of our retail business. I think you've already been forewarned about giving baits away, also be careful of sponsoring fishermen. Make absolutely sure that they are promoting your product. Also a very good way to get your name out there is to sponsor a local specialized tournament, give them a few packs of baits for door prizes or prize packages. Casting Kids is great for this. We just recently donated baits to a Special Olympics tournament, you'll never lose money supporting things like this. It will always come back to you 3 times better than what you give. The good thing about Mom & Pop stores is you can take your time and not try to move too fast, we supplied stores for 8 years with hand pours and we finally reached a point that we had to expand. You're doing exactly what you need to do at first, and that is taking your time and researching. As you grow TU is a great place to find ways to expand your business and promote your business and up your production when needed, in a costly fashion. So many people on here give great advice on this subject. It's been 1 year of being a full time plastic man myself so I can speak of the addiction, no matter how many thousands of baits I turn out, I still have that fascination that I can produce something that people can go out and catch fish on. I think this is the key thing that we all love about this hobby and business. Good luck on your endeavor, anything I can help you with feel free to PM anytime.
Happy Thanksgiving to all in TU land!