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Everything posted by Hawgwild

  1. I use 3" PVC couplings and glued the base to a light piece of particle board with my air connection drilled into the bottom of that below the center.... Then just cup a coffee filter over a piece of 3" PVC and push down into the coupling....add powder and your good to go... I've got 5 made up and all work with no problems...if it has set up a while I just turn my air on and stir a little to get it flowing better...
  2. I do it all the time....sometimes I re-do jigs....cut off the weed guard...drill that out, then clean and powder the jigs.... I've also done the same with some ball head jigs that didn't have a guard in them to start with....just watch the alignment to get the guard right.. Use a 1/8" drill and be carefull...I've slipped a couple of time and tried to drill my finger...
  3. I've used the Y type guards but they tend to be a little stiffer than I like but work fine... I still prefer the fiber guards...I just like to spread the fibers out which still gives plenty of protection coming through stuff but not to stiff on hookset.. They're cheap so I would suggest you try both to see which you prefer better.. Scottie
  4. Hey biscuit....just started powder coating my jigs myself and having a blast with it...as someone somewhat new to this I would offer a couple of tips I've learned myself and from the good folks on this board... I believe you would find it much easier to coat your jigs without the weedguard....I've done it both ways and only coat without the guards now...plus it's easier to hang them in my little toaster oven without them on there also... Haven't tried inserting the little 1/8 inch dowels before powdering them but likely will next batch I do...what I do now is drill the hole back out with a 1/8" drill....Just be careful to keep the proper alignment...works OK.... Have a small wire handy when you dip your jigs....Sometime the powder will clog up the eye of the jig....just push the wire through the eye to clear it as soon as you dip it and before you cure it....I just took an old spinnerbait I had, cut off the end and use that.. I learn a little something everytime I make a little batch so suggest you start with just a few...say 2-4 jigs...and completely finish them out before making another batch.... Hope that helps a little and enjoy.. Scottie
  5. You might want to check with where you got the lure or if Giron has a site in the US...for those bucks that should be replaced... Just got one myself in Ghost Bluegill...probably chunk it some tomorrow.. Scottie
  6. stream stalker....here's a little tip I got recently from the good folks here.. When you dip your jig immediately take a small wire and run through the eye of the hook before the powder has a chance to set and harden.. .I just use an old spinnerbait wire and that worked pretty good... Even when using a fluid bed clogged eye's can still happen especially with the smaller eye hooks.. Scottie
  7. I made some fluid beds out of PVC pipe and use a aquarium pump.. When working right the air fluffs up the powder...kinda looks like it "boiling"...Just believe it give it a more even coat and not as think as when just dipping straight into the powder... I've made up 5 little beds for the colors I use most frequently so saves a little time...and mess...to have each color in it's own bed instead of changing out colors each time.. Scottie
  8. I like adding a glitter coat to most of my jigs and use Pro-tech power paints....I heat my jigs up in a toaster oven and have my powder in some fluid beds I've made.. I use a few colors more that others...black with red flake, black with blue flake, and watermellon with black flake.. I usually dip my jig in the base coat...heat it up a little more in my toaster over, then dip it in the glitter coat...don't look bad but really builds the overall coat up more that I would like.. If I mix say the black base and the glitter coat together where I only dip the jig one time just wondering if that would work...likely wouldn't get the same amount of glitter on the jig but that's ok too... Anyone tried this and thanks, Scottie
  9. Looking good smalljaw... Scottie
  10. Really appreciate the info folks.....I tried a couple of jigs using the shrink wrap and worked OK...probably should have pulled it off before final baking... Think using the wire pushing through the eye before banking may work better though...I'll try that next time.. Thanks, Scottie
  11. Just started powder painting my jigs using fluid beds I learned to build from this site...thanks for that info... My question is about the powder buildup in the hook eye's...Guess that's the only real problem I'm having at this point as the powder can totally clog up the eye's....especially when I dip them again in a glitter coat... Wonder how others go about cleaning theirs...I would really not like to get any powder on the eye at all Not sure if it would take the heat or not but thought I might try shrink wrap on them, or even wraping a piece of foil over the eye's before dipping in the powder... Appreciate any comments.. Scottie
  12. It do make you feel go to catch one on your own stuff.. Nice fish and congrats.. Scottie
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