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Everything posted by seabasshunter3

  1. seabasshunter3

    Rocket Shad

    great looking lure....
  2. I don't get much heat from my overhead light as it florescent but I did just buy me a craftsman light that is on a stand and has the selection of either 250watt or 500watt and think that I can get some heat from that.....thanks for the information....
  3. Does anyone use a heat lamp to cure the epoxy when the lures are on your dryer wheel? Would this help out with the bubbles or make the epoxy dry too fast? How does the cold effect D2T? The place on I am working on my lures is my garage (very small) and is build of concrete and it is cold during the winter. It's built into a hill with our house on top of it so there is no heat in it. I did get my hands on some D2T, got the 9oz bottles and wondered how long this would last me or I should say how many lures sould it be able to cover with two coats per lure?? The lures that I will be working on are between 3 - 4 inches (rattle trap type body). They are called vibration lures here in Japan but the sea bass can't keep off them...I have a tackle box full of ones I need to repair because of boucing them off seawalls and rocks.
  4. that looks like it should have caught a boat load of fish...guess it really never did catch on....I have never seen one before.....
  5. I keep looking at this lure and wanted to ask you how did you do the gill spot with a black and red sharpie? Looks great.....
  6. you can also check bearair.com
  7. I got a lot of store bought lures that I have to fix the eyes on becuase they have hit rocks and seawalls and the eyes pop out. I will try and use some 5 min epoxy and then do the clear coat over...
  8. Thanks.....I thought 5 minutes did not give much time to coat your lures.....
  9. I bet that tail does give it some great action......great looking mistake....
  10. I have an Iwata CR and I am new to the airbrush stuff also but it can hold a lot of paint.......right now I am practicing on a concrete wall with water until my paint gets here from the states....
  11. Great looking lure and paint........
  12. I just seen some 6mm eyes with posts on the back of them on ebay that look like they would make great lure eyes. There were many sizes and colors to choose from. The guy was selling them in packages of 100 with 5 different color sets of eyes.....
  13. My what big eyes you have.....nice paint job.......
  14. I am in that same boat and have found it on EBAY.....some of the other places i found it would not ship to me overseas......that being said I have a question as to the one to purchase the 5 minute stuff or the slower drying stuff? thanks....
  15. b75nweav (aka: Crankincracker), Love that name by the way....I retired from the Marine Corps a few years ago and thought I was on my way back to Florida (really wanted that job at the new BassPro in Ft. Myers) but ended up getting an offer to good to refuse here in Japan and Japan being the last place I was stationed it just worked out great. I still have family that live in S.W. Fla so we try to come home when the job permits. Got to take care of my addition of Snook, Red Fish, and Trout fishing, along with a few big mouths......
  16. When I made military tank models I think that I would mix green, brown, and some yellow to make a olive drab, but it's been a long time since I did it. Try it out with a few drops of each and then add to lighten or darken.
  17. Thanks for the update as I am currently building one and waiting on my motor now....
  18. Jann's Netcraft also carries it and it is called PLASTICDIP. Comes in white, red, black, yellow, and clear it costs about 19.00 for a 14.5oz can.
  19. I know a bass would just love to inhale that bait.....great action and so life like....kudos to you and your son......how does it swim with the hooks....
  20. Thanks DAMPEOPLES for the information also......great to know about the folding method and not just stirring it around the container, guess the stirring would create a lot more little bubbles in the epoxy....
  21. b75nweav, The can bottom works well for you? Guess I would not need to buy any of those expensive plastic cups and getting to empty those can's so I could use it as an epoxy mixer is much funnier than buying the plastic ones anyway. Guess it gives me a good excuse to tell the wife that I need to go out to the store and buy another 6 pack because I ran out of mixing containers....So how much D2T would you need for say 6 lures in the bottom of the can at any one time for a top coat? Do you brush it on with a flux brush; thin it out with anything before using? Thanks... I too am a fellow Florida cracker (Ft. Myers area). Fishing both salt and fresh growing up.....man do I miss it......the fishing here too is good in both the salt and fresh water....they do have a lot of bass here in Japan...
  22. When using your D2T or what ever else you may use for your epoxy top coat does anyone use an electric epoxy mixer? would this be better than mixing by hand? and does it really cut out the air bubbles? I would only be using it for small qty's of epoxy at a time say for 4 - 6 lures and I wanted to know if it would be worth 30 bucks to buy one? Thanks....
  23. predator bass baits.....my sister use to work for a company that made display cases for stores with that same type of plastic, came in all kinds of colors. She made lots of cool things for her house like coffee tables/end tables/picture frames/reptile tanks/fish guess the list could just about be endless. I just may need to take you up on that offer do you take PAYPAL? and you are right on the glue as she made me a frame and when I dropped it I tried to repair it with super glue and it doesn't work well at all.
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