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Everything posted by JSC

  1. Just a side note .. Back in the 60's - 70's the only way I had to get coloring was in pound cans of pigment (Paste) and mix to get the color you needed ... later on I could get it in the liquid form and was a lot better off thou it cost a little more was worth the difference .. I think the 1st I got in liquid was from MF when they first started out ... I think I have a small bottle or 2 in one of the boxes in the shop.......
  2. To be safe with nail polish -- Coat with EPOXY -- If it going to come in contact with soft plastic.
  3. Be Safe ... EPOXY Coat ...
  4. Try pre heating the hooks I do it under a 60 w light bulb
  5. Saeco was a good one .. did have a little problem with the Rheo burning out ,,,, had 3 or 4 of them years ago... If they leaked one light tap and it was stopped .... Note on "Tapping" them can not only loosen the nozzle but can scar the plunger .. (Never hit one hard enough to loosen the nozzle on a Lee but was tempted to)
  6. JSC

    Jig Paint

    X 2 What Tony Said
  7. Sounds like he was messing with you and goofed n got hooks in him
  8. Good Looking Baits Mark (and other contributors) ,, This foiling is a good thread I don't do any of it but you guys have my attention.
  9. Trailer Hooks also tend to make the lure hang more defeating part of a spinner baits main purpose of fishing tight cover/weeds & such. Spinner baits leave a fish in a lot better condition than most any type lure (for me anyway) .. Ready to wet a line with some .. Yesterday Super high Tide (water in the woods) .. only got to go middle of the day S L O W -- with the high tide I spent most of my time on Specs & reds and that was not much action either .. fished a while with the "Finesse Spinner Bait" and had 4 strikes landed 2 all small around a pound (lost then getting behind snags) .. I do not believe I would have had a strike with a heavier wire bait .. Clearer than normal water/High and running out strong - no clouds .. tough conditions ... I turn 95% of the Bass I catch back .. The "Finesse Spinner Bait" produced a "Pile" of good size Warmouth a few weeks back & I kept them for my Daughter and Son in law (they had to do the cleaning) ..
  10. Good Thread. I have used a spinner bait head with just enough wire to loop the blade on. Have trouble with the line "Looping" over the blade and hanging up. I like the opening the eye on a regular jig hook .. if I could get some hooks that I can open with out breaking (tried several ) I would like it best to get a real head knocking action. ..
  11. Way to go John ... Hi Vibes .. Just a an off topic note .. on using trailers I have found that if I use a good small plastic swim bait that the plastic gives them a little more body to "Suck In" and have not had to use a trailer hook since I started using it .. Just skirts does not have enough for them to suck it in some times. Thanx for the Post
  12. John let us know how the clear blade works out .. I have never used a plastic blade (that I can remember)
  13. JSC

    unnamed (2)

    Look Good
  14. Mark I used a leader sleeve to connect the 2 and I believe JB did as well
  15. Mark I have tried it over the years and when the Bass get really finicky I go to a 1/4 oz. extra light wire (.020 + or - )Matchedwith a Indiana blade and had them to hit this while leaving a .030 size alone (same size & blade) .. In the "Feel" you can feel more of the vibes with the light wire .. The wire might not hold up that long (I have caught as many as 50 or more before changing it) but you do have to bend it back in shape and this is where you can tell if its ready for the re melt mode (salvage lead/blade/swivele and some times the hook) .. If I remember correctly I have only had 2 of these to break with a fish on and that was my fault for not changing it ... I had one I bought (.040 wire) break with a 8# + ready to be landed . (quick release with all but the spinner in his mouth). I have made a few with coated leader wire (cabeled) attached above the tie as JB has made with the T Wire. It did not do as well as the .020 wire.
  16. Here is where I got my first one (installed valve on the 2nd one) http://www.ozarktackle.com/pouringpot.html (tried to paste the url in could not get it to take ?) This one from Ozark tackle does not have a stirring system I had to make that on my own.
  17. JSC


    John When I use wire this light I like to coil the eye for line tie .. Old Clothes Pin Design. I tried the "In Arm Coil" further down and it was about the same in amount of vibration I could feel .. Thanx for the comments Guys .. I call that skirt "Texas Chicken" from the soft plastic version
  18. Lookin Good .. Thanx for the good information
  19. JSC

    Jig Hooks...

    You Do have to call Shorty .. good people
  20. Great Boats !!!! A pleasure to see handcrafted master pices like these.
  21. JSC


    I got around to fishing this bait and could not tell any more vibration than normal ... Did catch 41 nice warmouth .. No Bass but 1 Jack (Easter Chain Pickeral)
  22. Dont quit melting old baits .. loss of good plastic .. I like to get every oz of it .. Just dont use the bad stuff which you will find out which is which .. trial and error
  23. I think I have seen one like I just Posted (Coil sping shaft) Will it increase vibration .. not tested yet . this Thread gave me the idea for doing this. (I call this the Texas Chicken Color skirt)
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