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Everything posted by JSC

  1. The Chicago (Harobur Freight) 19.99 is the one I have been using as well. JSC
  2. Fellers I don't know about Mike's Personaly but ... I do know a little about parts supply and belive me it is the Reel Mfgs who are fault .. ever notice how often they change models ?? about as often as you change your shorts .... so how can they maintain parts for as many models they have made .... now back in the good ol days they made a reel that stayed around forever and all ways parts were available .... Its one of those thing that they have to stay ahead of the competion ... to heck with the parts support ... I have several reels that I could get back in service but get parts ... no way ... Shimano and Diawia ... My for what is worth ... good excuse to "air it out" ... JSC
  3. OK Loco, I dug around and found the "Gator Tails". The one on Top is a regular "Gator Tail" as made by "DITTO" who was the second one to make it. Note marking on tail is "DITTO". The others are a "Knock Off" of it and one distributor of it called it a "Croc A Tail" They are 6 inches long produced with High Production Injection. The Original body was a little more "Squared Off" the others are round. You got it Later JSC
  4. LOCO Is that a 1 or 2 pc mold ? The body is a long the lines of a "Gator Tail" the tail on this one is a little smaller than the "Gator Tail" Curious JSC
  5. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    KC That Lip and Connector Link and the eyes raised a little more than most have me "Stumped" ..... I'll keep watching this one .. JSC
  6. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    Where Did The Name "Spotted Ape" Come From ?? Maybe some one knows ... where did the name for a lot of other lures and colors come from ?? KC that is going to be a tough one unless U R in the part of the country that uses a lot of spoons .. Looking to see what it is. JSC
  7. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    I have sold a lot of the "Nip-I-Didde" .. "Spotted Ape" I would say that in my territory of NWF and Extreme S Central AL that 75 % of my "Nip-I-Didde" sales were the "Spotted Ape" some did reference it as "Shad" (never could see a shad in that color combo) as the SH was listed as Shad Color. OK ... U R up again KC JSC
  8. JSC

    Vodkaman B-Day

    HAPPY B DAY V Man Enjoy as they come on faster the older U get. JSC
  9. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    Mallard that is a tough one ... that paint job is very much like the "Nip-I-Didde" ... but do not think the same people made it .. thinking out loud ... JSC
  10. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    KC U done good thats it. Now how bout posting one for us to try and get. JSC
  11. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    I thought I mite "Wake Up" this thread. Know This Bait ? JSC
  12. Charlie Good Reply. I was not clear in my note as I was talking of using "Bar Codes" and not UPC codes. A Thermal Printer as you stated "Is the way to go" for good reading by scanner. JSC
  13. JSC

    Redbreast repaint!

    One thing wrong.. They are in Your Tackle Box and Not Mine Great Job ... You know those little Ol' Red Bellies sure can Pull. Especially those out of the Ochlocknee River, the largest Red Bellies I have yet to see or heard of any where else in the world. Great Job JSC
  14. One of the big things is to have the Bar Code Fonts. Have worked with them a little several years ago. Several ways to do this and depends on the market you are serviceing .. When I get a chance I will try to find out where I got the Fonts I did have ... Made a program in FileMaker for checking in customers at a trade show ... Their Name Tag was printed with a Bar Code for their Account Number .. Then was scanned into a program I made for keeping track of attendace to checking them in thru the meal line. So your Stock Number could be coded with Bar Code for scanning in at Check Out. Also had a program for scanning in bar codes in my program "Salesman Order Pad" where a salesman could scan the bar codes into the order system. Just some random thoughts on the subject. If I find The UPC info will post it. My JSC
  15. JSC

    PM Off

    Getting away from making baits I thought I would use some yesterday PM.(Finally a day mild enough up in the day to go). Caught a bunch of small bass (only one keeper size) (On Plastics) .. and several Red Fish with one that made the trip ... using the 4' 2" rod with 12# line and one of my little "Spin Heads" in shallow water at the back end of a bay. He did burn some line and took a while .. only a little over 5 # (A minnow to Kajan where he gets those Bull Reds:yay:). I use the Light Combo when I need accuracy and where I fish on this river you gotta have it. JSC
  16. "Not if Dad/Grandpa says "Ain't NO ONE using it till it's BLUE" ;)" Easier said than done Have a good day JSC
  17. Hi Thanx .. but if that boat gets painted either my son or the grand sons will have to do it and I think really that it will be left in the "Raw" ... Have A Good One JSC
  18. JSC

    Had To Pause

    Hay K Glad You made it OK ... Yall have had enough for a while .. but don't wish it on us as we have had many rounds with those things. In all these years this is the highest tides we have had from storms that were so far away ... Got on the water this AM doing my Bass, Redfish, Spec Trout thing ... water had a bunch of that Gray Swamp Water in it ... will be a few days before that clears up .. made the fishing tough .. One 2# Spec, 5 small reds, 3 croaker and 4 small bass only one over 12" ... normally this time of the year it is a lot easier and should have caught a boat load. Better Days are ahead. JSC
  19. Hi Guys Had to tune in .... I have a 14' Alum Jon boat older one when I got it ... Rhino Linerad the inside and has been great .. my son has it and he and the grand kids use it enough to check out the wear. Did not notice that much increase in weight ... with a 8 horse runs the same as before we added it ... The guys that did mine really cleaned it (inside) real good before applying the coating. Same people have done quite a few Alum boats for the State. We did not paint the outside of it as I am a little lazy trying to prepare Alum for painting .. I appreciate seeing one with a "Good" paint job ... The one I use came from the factory painted ... flat brown. You did a good job. JSC
  20. JSC

    Had To Pause

    I had to "Pause" myself yesterday ... I was grumbling about not getting to go "Wet A Line" because of the extremely high "Storm Tides" that we have had constantly since the storm "Faye" ... Well in my "Pause" I said a word of thanks and a word of concern for those who have been in the path of these events of nature that living in this area has made us a custume to .. Believe me the things you have to go thru with one are a real "Pain" and can be costly in more ways than one. So my fishing can wait while nature does its thing and a "Word of Thanks" and a "Word of Concern" for those who are experiencing these events. Hurricanes, Floods, Drought, Tornados and such are all part of the things that are part of the "World Going Round" ... So I will "Cool It" and hope those of you who are experiencing or have experienced these events are doing OK. JSC
  21. JSC

    Some tips

    Bear The tips and laminates are looking good JSC
  22. JSC

    Mold Mod

    I had thought of using JB Weld ... Since the Hilts Mold is molded the way it is .. where I ran a small bolt thru the "lip" at the base of the mold so if and I doubt if I ever do want to sell it .. simple to take the "added platform" off and would only be the small hole which does not affect the mold excpt for the hole on the bottom. cadman Good idea as to the modification. JSC
  23. JSC

    Mold Mod

    Have a mold that I wanted to use a couple of size hooks that the mold was not made for ... the hook would fit and pour as far as the wire size but ... had to be real careful as they were to long for the "bend" platform ... So I took a hint for the old mold master.. Paul Ament ... he modified a mold he made for me to do this job (top pix of 2 molds) simply added a little piece of metal bent to shape and screwed it on to the mold for an extended "platform" .. so you can see from the bottom mold what I did .. mite not look pretty .. had to use what I had and does the job. Hope this mite help some one out there. JSC
  24. Understand all the work, time & etc put into it and it is appreciated. Mine is postioned as close to the heat element as possible. Still get the clog if left to long between the pours. Thanx a lot for the information JSC
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