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Everything posted by JSC

  1. Hi KingBC It looks like overheat to me (I am expert at overheat with a Lees Pot) I only use the Lees when I want to do a fast Pour that requires a small stream. I cook in the micro wave and pour in the Pot ... gotta watch the heat and how long it stays in the pot. For larger production it is hard to beat a "Powered" (electric stirrer) Presto Pot ... cook and pour from it .. I have made some colors that were overheated that I would like to reproduce .. all most impossible to make them come out the same. Have Fun JSC
  2. JSC

    Try this

    Just a note .... The first "Chunks" on the market were made by Burke (to the best of my knowaldge (sp)) and they laid in a piece of fabric to reinforce it ... It was tough but ... it really stiffened it ... I still have a couple out in the shop (I think) ... I think EBs idea can be pushed a little further. I follow with intrest. JSC
  3. KingB Just Take a pair of Dykes, Electrical Stripper, Crimper or what have you and put a crimp on the rivet shaft or tube ... Stops it every time and you will get the squeak which will change as the bearing point on the blade is worn (wiil wear the "ear" off if you use them as long as I do). JSC
  4. Man here is another of those (intresteing) threads that have no end ... What will work one place might not work another .... we are like back to what color is the best ... Keep it up guys I am enjoying this ... been there and done that before and all ways learn something. Thanx JSC
  5. JSC

    Try this

    Don't know exactly how he could get a tube inside of a closed mold in one certain spot ?? Maybe some one else has a better idea but the way it is being done appears to be the most logical ..... My 2 cents JSC
  6. The Aluminum is more that likely Mylar. On a one piece mold inserted after a paritial pour, depending on the structure of the bait and the desired location of the insert. I made a special bait for a while .. worm tail with a strip of Mylar laid in ... called it the Flasher jig for Speckeled Trout and had calls for it off and on for many years (after I had quit Mfg) very labor intense. JSC
  7. This is one thread on a subject that has been going on since day one .. not just worms but all lures .. a lot of factors make it all most impossible to pin down .. but I definitely thank that the shades are important .. look to see more opinions. JSC
  8. A word to those that do not know but 2 guys that go out of their way to help are LedHed & Cadman ... I sincerely appreciate the help they have given both on and off line. JSC
  9. Hi JoJo Just checked out your web site .. Great ... now if only I could read French (have been trying all these many years trying to master English ... ) Great Work and the Molds & lures look great ... it appears that you have done quite a little bit of venting to get the "curl tails" to fill out. ?? JSC
  10. Great Tip BassD. Have not seen that one before .... Thanx JSC Bruce to me those are in line Buzz Baits with some extra "Dodads" I have all ways liked inline BB but have all ways had trouble with getting twisted line (keel weighted .. not as bad but still have to watch it) ... I have used them with a single weedless hook and have tried a few with a double weedless ... Inline BB have all ways excelled in mats of millfoil as well as thick eel grass. A Chunk helps start it (by straighten it out) and stablize it ... Swivel up front .. in thick stuff just some thing else to get in the way .... Yours look like they will be great for Night fishing. Later JSC
  11. George .. Thanx for more ideas on the swiveles ... I am rarely in rocks so have not had this problem ... lotta trees and etc.... Thru the years I have had a couple to foul on me .. using light wire I all ways carry a bagfull as well as replacement stuff. Good thoughts on the Ball bearing being tougher had never thought of it that way ... I really only use BB on baits that are used as "Drop Baits" where I want the spin better on the fall. Thanx JSC
  12. I have really enjoyed the thread and glad it will be in a tutorial for a lot of guys out there that sometimes try to "Fix" them and bring them into the repair shop in a bag ... at one time I repaired just enough to keep me current with them (in the early 60's) . Great Job. JSC
  13. Had to put in another 2 cents worth. Ball bearing swivels make a great "Smooth Running" bait .... but do you all ways want it to be smooth running ? I belive the regular old crane swivel fills the bill ... it starts easy and will have a squeal from the "Non Ball Bearing" surfaces as well as added vibration from this rougher spin ..... (the small wire theory is that you get better vibration) ... Take the Buzz Bait and getting a squeal out of the spin ... why not out of a spinner bait ?? Just food for thought and see how it may get battered around .. JSC
  14. I had not worked on this project in some time but as soon as I get a chance it will use the information up date to go a little further.... Using a good old "Hand Drill" keeps popping in my mind when it comes to this subject ?? JSC
  15. Been looking at the "Powder Spray Guns" .. Thanx for the input .. anyone else using them ?? JSC
  16. Thanx Del I got the info. JSC
  17. OK Lets have the information on the spinner bait (or blade) trick ??? JSc
  18. JSC

    presto pot?

    Heat Gun Works as well. After use I like to Clean the Valve and Nozzele of all left over plastic. Carolina Mike posted the URL for a "Heat Wrap" for the fixture. JSC
  19. Man that is really a big question as there is a jig for just about every situation and personal taste. I look forward to some of the answers. Oh , my choice ? ... depends on what I am fishing for , where and when ... about as straight an answer as I can give on this subject. Course the ones I make are the ones I prefer =:^) .. JSC
  20. JSC

    anise scent

    Thanx for doing all the research. Now I know which one to order when I run out of what I have. JSC
  21. JSC

    wire weed guards

    The shorter the wire the lighter gauge should be. Also if molded in with out a "Swivel" point it should be lighter. I am a firm believer that the resistance that the wire gives the tighter a fish will hold to it. Look at the spines on fish and the pinchers on crawfish for example ... they are putting up a lot of resistance ... Just food for thought JSC
  22. I have gotta go along with small gauge wire as #1 requirement .... for personal use or for some one who knows that they are not going to last all that long ... have a bag full of them. Use as large a blade that you can without off balanceing the lure (gotta have that smaller "lead" blade) .. Proportioned size skirt and hook ... and I do want a plastic trailer to give the bait some body. Colors ... as long as I have Black and white (Shades of white may vary) I personaly do not worry about the color of the head ... if you are selling them you have to be concerned about how it looks to catch as many fishermen as you can. My 2 cents JSC
  23. JSC

    wire weed guards

    Thanx for the info on making the "Balls" on the end of the wire. I all ways make a bend about 1/4 in from the end and us a little heavier SS or Music wire. JSC
  24. JSC

    Spin Head Ready To Go Fishing

    Hi The Hook in this one is a Mustad 32763 - 1/0 Thanx JSC
  25. Got Me On That One !!!!!! Jsc
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