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Everything posted by JSC

  1. JSC

    Glue to use

    Man Duct tape will fix anything (for a while) Thanx JSC
  2. Thanx Bassducer that is good to know (would have saved me a pile of work .. getting everything lined up putting it back together is real "Goodie" Make sure you have at least one hand in a glove. I had to re work the "lifting" lever as the the hole that does not attache the sides was not the same). Live and learn. JSC
  3. JSC

    Glue to use

    Great Help Guys Now I gotta go buy some leggos .... wait a' minute the Grand Kids have a box full out in the breeze way. You reckon I could get by using them ...... Thanx JSC
  4. Hi We had a little discussion in Plastics about modifing the Lee Plastic Pot .. It was mentioned that the Spout might have a weld to the pot. I find out the hard way with a Lead Pot. Had something "Hard" stuck in the pouring spout .. trid to drill it out .. broke the drill in it ... make a long story short I finaly suceeded in knocking the Spourt assembly off. It is not welded in .. it is pressed in. I when to Lee's website and ordered a new pot and spout assembly (8.00 plus 4.00 freight) attached is a picture of the pot and guts both old and new. This was my back up Lead pot. Thought this might be of intrest to some one. JSC
  5. JSC

    Glue to use

    Thanx Nova for the Quick Reply. JSC
  6. JSC

    Glue to use

    Hi Guys Have checked as best I can for information on what glue to use to glue a Plastisol model down for making a POP mold. If discussed privously .. please excuse. Anyone give me a little help on this ? Thanx JSC
  7. Looks like a "Pro" did that job JSC
  8. A real KO must be "Better Than The Original" !!!!! JSC
  9. Have tried the Surgical Tubing Route .... Bad JSC
  10. Just a side note (by the way this kind of thing is good to discuss -- "Knocking Off" designs). The Master of KO was Jim Bagley but he all ways did one thing that set him apart .. and we should all take note of .. he ALL WAYS made a better product (in my opinion) than the original. I was KO by him and he made a much better product (Salty Dog) and he did others as well. I learned something from it. That is the fine art of "KO" My 2 cents worth. JSC
  11. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    You sure do make things hard ... no idea ! JSC
  12. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    Go for it "Count dracula" you got the closest. Make a new post JSC
  13. That Was GREAT !!!!!! Love it ... JSC
  14. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    Looks Like A Poes Lure but from what you said it would be a "Wrong" JSC
  15. JSC

    Drilling Lee Pot

    I printed out the Pixes and information and will give them a good going over and see if I can figure out how it might be done on a small pot. Looks really good and am sure it works great. Thanx JSC
  16. JSC

    Guess the Lure

    Charlie "O" Really got me on that one and this one just posted is ?? Jog my memory JSC
  17. JSC

    Drilling Lee Pot

    Thanks Waterweasel, Give me a little while to get my mind wrapped around it. Is that the large Lee Pot?? all I have are 2 of the small ones. Man if you could make up a kit to modify with would be great ... figure how much it would be. Mean time I am going to study this some more. Again Thanks A Lot JSC
  18. I had to get in on this one. The attached photo is of a Central Alabama Special. Originally made by Mr. Rainwater
  19. JSC

    Drilling Lee Pot

    Sounds great. I am in the process of getting everything back together again and setting up an electric mixer is one of them. Thanx JSC
  20. Hey they did make a solid Black one that sold fairly well .. but the black blades .. I don't think so .. thats where you "Customized it". JSC
  21. JSC

    Drilling Lee Pot

    Update. I drilled the pour hole just slightly. Bent the stop arm back a little and now it is working more like I expect it to. I did it on the pot that has given me the most problem on controling the heat . Now I will have to ream the pour hole on the other pot as I have all ready bent the stop arm back. I belive the bending of the stop arm helps as much as anything. Incidently I used some plastisol that was over 30 years old. I had some hidden away in a 5 gal pail .. a little less than a gallon ... with a lot of stirring and sweat I got it mixed. It is what we called a "Grub" mixture and had gotten it from Southern Plastic .. Really surprized to find that and a full 5 gal bucket as well. Fingers crosed as how it will all turn out. Thanks all for the help and will let you know of further developments. JSC
  22. JSC

    Drilling Lee Pot

    Thanx Waterweasel Would appreciate some pix of what you did so that this old man can get a more exact how you did it. You guys are all a lot of help. JSC
  23. JSC

    Drilling Lee Pot

    Thanx RXfish I have been cleaning with small circular brush like a gun bore cleaner .. but being so small it has not been that good mostly "punching" the "Gook" out. I will be real careful if I drill it. JSC
  24. JSC

    Drilling Lee Pot

    Thanks Cobra for the good instructions. I think that the bending of wire stop to allow the rod to open up more should help a lot as the rod is taking heat from the plastic and causing it to give you the faster cooling at the spout as well. I see I have my work cut out for me. The old Sta Warm Wax Droppers years ago spoiled me as you could drain the last drop out of them. JSC
  25. JSC

    Drilling Lee Pot

    Thanks Bassman .. I have tried various temp settings with out additives, a lot of stirring and have trouble with the flow especialy when you get a smaller amount in the pot and do not have the extra weight to force the flow. I have 2 pots and they both pour different .. mainly temp control problems. JSC
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