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Everything posted by JSC

  1. Hi I would like to see the "Gadget" and I know lots of the other guys would as well. JSC
  2. Hey You Really Did Good ... Lot of Bending and Twisting to get that job Done. JSC
  3. Hi I appreciate the Links and I checked them out. But I think each one selling at retail should have it in writing from the IRS. I intend (this time, before I sold strictly to the "Jobbers") to set up an account for retail on the web sales and sell to that account .. would be taxed on what I sell to the Retail Account (it must be in reason) There was one company when it started out that the guy sold to an account at what it cost for him to make it and taxed on that ... then then sold at what ever he wanted to from the "Sales Company" ... I know he was questioned on this but never know of any outcome. Incidently he sold out and the Company is still in business (a little history .. he sold out in late 70's or early 80's) JSC
  4. The 60% if you sell retail is all that would be taxed the 10% FET. IF THAT RULE IS CONFIRMED WITH THE IRS & I think each person selling this way should have it in writing from the IRS in regards to their business. (my opinion) ... If I find out more will let you know. JSC
  5. The First I knew of this type was the good old "Shannon Twin Spinner" Fact the first Bass I ever saw caught on an artifical was with this lure .. Solid Black Bucktail with a White Strip of Uncle Josh Pork Rind. I caught a lot of fish on this Bait ... The "Bushwhacker" was a much improved lure. Hard to find something that is entirely new. (Note the Shannon was great in colder weather by "Crawling" it along the bottom.) JSC
  6. Bomber "Bushwhacker" Good Bait ... Ran real good and the last fish I saw caught on one (in the 70's) was a 7 1/2 River Bass JSC
  7. JSC

    Old Stuff

    Hi Just ran across some
  8. Yep Jim Bagley had a worm that was exactly like Cremes with the exception that the head of the worm was a lot tougher. The "header" in the photo was the "header" for the card. Back then most all baits, except a few hard baits, were carded Dozen packs per card. JSC
  9. The pleasure was mine to bring up a little “history” .. by the way I left one thing out about the evolution of Tom Mann’s Worms … before the “Jelly Worm” was the “Sting Ray” a little wider tail than the later “Jelly Worm” .. he used the “Sing Ray” name later on mostly on the “Sing Ray Grub” and to the best of my knowledge that was the first “Grub” per say … Senkosam … thanks for the mention that “Whopper Stopper” later bought the “Flip Tail” and it was passed around some after that … The Blue Lizard was big in parts of the SE at bedding time. Sorry I do not have a picture of my KO of the fliptail … A guy kept pestering me as to where I got my Plastic and after I quit making the “Fin Tail” I told him if he would buy those molds I would give him the name of a place to buy the Plastic which he agreed to do and in fact did all though later on he wanted to sell it back to me .. when he did that I did not feel to bad about selling them to him as I had told him all about why I wanted to get rid of them … he knew it up front. Fellows back in those days where You got some of this stuff were well kept secrets …. Lets Go Fishing !!!!!!!
  10. Fellows this has been real interesting and hope some of you have gained some good from it. I went thru this back in the mid 60’s with Bill Stembridges “Flip Tail” which was the first radical change from the natural worm design. Bill was smart about it as he not only got a “Design Patent” but also a “Mechanical Patent” on the Lure as well as on the mold. Then he had the name Trade Mark Registered as well as all Copyrights on everything he had. How did I come to find out about all of this .. I had a set of molds made that were close to the flip tail making all the small changes not to be the same. A wholesaler asked me to make him some up with 2 weedless hooks on a harness with a spinner. Which I did when there truck arrived at the warehouse after picking them up from me who was there but Bill Stembridge and his Rep John Wood#### they were unloaded in front of them and Bill hit the ceiling .. seems that he and John had been out for a week and every jobber they saw asked for exactly the same configured lure that I had made. My name for the lure was “Fin Tail”. Less than 2 weeks after this I got a letter from Stembridges Lawyer to stop. The only thing they were complaining about was the tail infringing on the patent … Tom Mann also got a letter at the same time as he had modified all of his 6 and 8 in worm molds (which I had the same molds but did not use .. got them from the same place Tom did) he called his modified version the “Fan Tail” .. after that is when he made his new mold for the “Jelly Worm” that took off so big … Yes we both quit time we got the letters and checked with our attorneys it was a no win situation … For Tom it was one of the best things that happened to him in the Worm business as the “Jelly Worm” took off like “Gang Busters”… Later on I made the First Plastic Shrimp Tail Jig I had a super 1 year but the Big Boys took over after about 2 years … distribution can really get you .. And this brings me around to KO that have been real successful and that was Jim Bagley … in his defense Jim ALL WAYS improved the KO .. he was really successful … You can’t patent a thing of nature but you can a modification of the thing … so Stembridge had done the right thing with his. There are very few lures today that have not been made in some form or another in years past. The big improvements have been in the materials we have available and the equipment to make them with. Most of this discussion has really been in a “Gray” area and one has to follow what he thinks is right . By the way that “Hard Head” I made a Flat bottom worm in the 60’s didn’t sell but caught the fish .. It was made from old standard cure plastisol (Cured in the mold) The head was out of a hard mixture and the body and tail was from a soft “Floater” mixture .. molded a weedless hook in … Stood on its nose with that waving tail and was really hard to tear up … the fishing public back then had been introduced to the full round worm (Jelly Worm .. Flip Tail) and did not want any thing to do with a flat bottom worm …. Times change. Just note to let Yall know that this has been happening long before it happened to Yours truly .. This kind of thing needs to be discussed periodically to clear the air a little. Lets Go Fishing !!!!! It will be another week before the water gets right here on the Choctawhatchee after the rain we were so bad in need of … For Bass, Red fish or Speckeled Trout ..
  11. Thanks a lot for the information on "Constructive Sales Price" for Fed Excise Tax. Will check it out as soon as I get a chance. JSC
  12. Hi Mags Have not seen this about a sale at retail. It follows the line of the standard discount schedule for the Fishing Tackle Industry. Regular Retailers (NOT DISCOUNTERS) 40% Profit, Wholesalers 25% Profit. These are rates that have been used for many moons (These % are based on the SRP). So . what you are presenting is that the maker of a rod would pay only on the 60% for which he sold it for at retail. I have not seen this (next time I am checked by the IRS I will ask them). Note: Generally the Mfg. sells to the Wholesaler (Distributor) at a 50-10 % off of SRP. (This will give the Distributor a 25 % if he sells it to the Retailer at 40% off of SRP) Other discounts are given as different sales incentives . Also generally a 2% off is given if paid on time and if cash is paid with order a 5% is given (called anticipation) and it goes on from here. One thing before I "Hang Up" and this I received a credit by the IRS when they checked me (A "Kindly" Lady) She checked on how I was invoicing (I had wondered about this) I included the 10% in the price of the items not as a add on at the end of the invoice therefore in order to make it work out as 10% you use the amount as .09091%. It is better to have it included for each item as when the receiver of the items can see immediately what the cost is .. Otherwise they would have to add the 10% onto each item if it was figured at the bottom of the Invoice. One other thing . back in the 60's Tom Mann and I had discussed about selling worms with out a hook installed should be tax free as it was incomplete. WRONG he carried it to court and the judge ruled "It is a LURE and would attract fish" which is the same as regarded for spinners, spoons & etc. Hope this helps a little JSC
  13. If You purchase an item that is subject to the 10% and are going to use in a product YOU must send the seller a copy of the Exempt Form to have on file so the IRS knows that it was sold to You under these conditions. The same applies if you are the seller. The End guy (Selling Wholesale or Retail) is the one that is responsible if the above conditions have been met. 637 is "Exempt Form" (Copy to each that You purchase from) 720 is Form that You file Your Quarterly Sales on. Both from IRS (You must apply for this status) Hope that helps a little JSC
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