Hi Mags
Have not seen this about a sale at retail.
It follows the line of the standard discount schedule for the Fishing Tackle
Regular Retailers (NOT DISCOUNTERS) 40% Profit, Wholesalers 25% Profit.
These are rates that have been used for many moons (These % are based on the
SRP). So . what you are presenting is that the maker of a rod would pay
only on the 60% for which he sold it for at retail.
I have not seen this (next time I am checked by the IRS I will ask them).
Note: Generally the Mfg. sells to the Wholesaler (Distributor) at a 50-10 %
off of SRP. (This will give the Distributor a 25 % if he sells it to the
Retailer at 40% off of SRP) Other discounts are given as different sales
incentives . Also generally a 2% off is given if paid on time and if cash is
paid with order a 5% is given (called anticipation) and it goes on from
One thing before I "Hang Up" and this I received a credit by the IRS when
they checked me (A "Kindly" Lady) She checked on how I was invoicing (I had
wondered about this) I included the 10% in the price of the items not as a
add on at the end of the invoice therefore in order to make it work out as
10% you use the amount as .09091%. It is better to have it included for each
item as when the receiver of the items can see immediately what the cost is
.. Otherwise they would have to add the 10% onto each item if it was figured
at the bottom of the Invoice.
One other thing . back in the 60's Tom Mann and I had discussed about
selling worms with out a hook installed should be tax free as it was
incomplete. WRONG he carried it to court and the judge ruled "It is a LURE
and would attract fish" which is the same as regarded for spinners, spoons &
Hope this helps a little