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Everything posted by bhorlings

  1. What kind of funnel was it? What is metal?
  2. There is a windows xp power tool called image resizer that you can download. That way all you have to do is right click and choose Resize Pictures. Below is the link. You can choose how big you want to make the pictures also. http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx
  3. Looks like the cat might be out of the bag!
  4. bhorlings


    Any color that works as long as it is Green Pumpkin! Seriously... Clear water: Green Pumpkin Stained: June Bug or Watermelon smoke w/ large blue flake and lots of small gold flake
  5. First off let me say thanks to everyone for their expertise. I have only spoken to a few of you but through your posts I am light years ahead of where I thought I would be right now. I have been pouring for about a month and a half now. So far it has just been test batches to match colors, get the process down and what not. I want to get prepared for selling this spring. Aside from setting up a web site, I am a little stumped on getting the ball rolling. Obviously, I have told every other basshead I know that I am pouring now and if they want some to talk to me but there is still that little problem of ice being on the lakes! What has everyone done to test the waters on selling when you first get started? Should I just bring my samples into a local tackle shop to see if they are interested? Should I talk to tournament directors in the area to see if I could hand out samples? Any thoughts from the experts would be great. Thanks in advance!
  6. I got my scents yesterday. When I opened them up my wife had to pick me up off he floor. That stuff is strong!!!!! I cannot wait to pour with them!
  7. Jim, Can you send me a pic so I can get a better idea? Thanks.
  8. I got my order in! I can't wait to see how good it is.
  9. Thanks for the descriptions. I cannot wait to get over this cold I have and start pouring some hi-lites.
  10. I do not mean to steal the thread but what exactly does hi-lite powder do?
  11. I noticed it this morning too. I could not remember his email address so I looked him up on here but it said he does not have his email listed.
  12. That would be great! I will pm you with my contact info.
  13. Thanks for the offers. I am looking at getting: Bob's 4" Craw 1 Piece Mold Bob's 4" Craw 2 Piece Mold Bob's Crawz Bob's Waterdawgz Del's 5" Dropshot Del's 5.5" Dropshot
  14. Not looking for the mold itself. I just want to see the finished product. I apologize if it was confusing.
  15. Is it impolite to ask Del or Bob for a sample bait from the mold before I buy? I am looking at a few different mold but want to actually see it, touch it, feel it before I commit. Just wondering what the general consensus was. Thanks.
  16. Merry Christmas from West Michigan
  17. I was thinking the silver should be gold but other than that it looks good.
  18. I only saw the review in BassMaster magazine (I think it was in there). It sure looks ugly but I could see how it would work.
  19. Can you post a picture of your fry daddy so l can get an idea?
  20. So does the MF plastics have heat stabilizer in it?
  21. I was thinking I would use the soft for my shakey head worm and for drop shot worms too.
  22. How much of a difference is there between the medium plastic and soft plastic? Would I want to use the soft plastic in my finesse baits and the medium plastic in my stick baits?
  23. Thanks for the input! It is definitely going to help me out.
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