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Everything posted by bhorlings

  1. Is anyone putting salt in their finesse worms or chunks? I understand why you want it in a stick bait but not sure if anyone was using it in other applications.
  2. I am just getting started but will be happy to send at leas a few bags.
  3. I tried that and it did not see to work. Any other suggestions? I was thinking of putting the mold in the oven until it melted the plastic again.
  4. I have a one piece mold that on my first pours the plastic did not setup very well because I did not heat it enough. I cleaned it out as best as I could but there is still some flake and plastic in the grooves. The leftover plastic and flake has setup now. How can I clean it out so I can pour with the mold again? Thanks!
  5. I would get one in a heart beat too but want to pour more than one color and it seems really hard to do. I would also love to see it in a 5" version.
  6. Sweet idea! I'll have to give that a try too.
  7. Thanks Del. I'll check it out this weekend.
  8. Wife gave me the okay on ventilation after she walked downstairs last night. I guess some things you have to see yourself. Thanks for the idea about screwing down the board jmik26.
  9. Thanks... I will try that tomorrow. I was trying to figure out how to clean that up. Any advice on how to make some super software plastic usable again? I have about two cups worth sitting around that just will not set up.
  10. Thanks for the encouragement everyone. The tips are beneficial and I have only poured once so far. I cannot wait to pour some more this weekend.
  11. Here is the best ten from my first pour. It took me a while to figure out I had the formula all wrong because I thought I was using a two cup measuring cup but I was using a one cup so I put in 1/4 the amount of plastic and the full amount of softener so I waiting around for an our or for it to set up but it never did. Anyways... here they are. I think they are close to a baby bass color. Let me know what you think.
  12. I figured out my formula was wrong. I did not put enough plastic in. I read the cup wrong. Do you know how I can clean out my mold now?
  13. I know it won't stay that way... that's why I took the pictures to remind myself. So far I do not know how long it takes for these things to setup. I am not sure if I got the plastic hot enough either. I nuked it for two minutes, then added salt and color, then one minute and a few times at 30 seconds.
  14. Thanks for the tip. I will install ventilation this weekend.
  15. Okay so I made my first pour. How long does it take for a stik bait to setup? I am not sure if I heated it up long enough because I added salt and color so I couldn't see it turn clear. Any help would be beneficial.
  16. I got my first stik kit from Del today along with the mold I bought from Jig_Chucker_20x over at Del's site. Here are my pics of the lab. What do you think. I will post my first pours tonight. Wish me luck!
  17. I just read on article about Bettencourt Baits and at the bottom TU is linked. Great job Nate! http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/bassmaster/fishingtips/news/story?page=b_story_custom_lure
  18. That's awesome.Great Job. I really like the way they came out.
  19. Okay... so I just ordered my stik kit from Del with Green Pumpkin, Black, & Junebug colors because that what I throw most of the time. Already, I found a mold on eBay (4.5 diamond tail) that is used and went ahead and purchased a color set from Del. I don't even have my equipment yet and I have found myself addicted. Wait... can I be addicted to something I do not have or have not seen yet? Anyways... I hope my work does not look at my interet usage lately!
  20. So from what I am reading.... go ahead and add salt and scent while pouring and as long as they are sealed keep them in laminate (poly) bags in a cool dry place. For good measure you can store the bags (filled with baits) in a sealed container.
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