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Everything posted by IamSpartacus

  1. :worship:Wow thanks! Nice and Quick! Mike
  2. Ive been using Faskolor (I think its made for model boats) to paint the eyes. Using a toothpick for the pupil (the kind with one flat end) and a qtip for the eye. Seems to be working well for me, and its easy to find at most hobby stores. Mike
  3. I use yahoo, among other things, and all the emails from here now go into my bulk mail. Sucks they won't back down. Kind of annoying having to check both places but not too awful I guess. How do you add a site to your "whitelist"?
  4. So I'm about to paint a brook trout and in comparison I'm already depressed with the results of mine, Amazing work! Mike
  5. Not bad at all! The 2ton definitely made a difference. On another note I caught like 20 perch way way smaller then that lure today, kind of depressing... and completely off topic... What were we talking about? Oh ya! Nice job! Mike
  6. Those are sweet! Who cares where they're painted? Very nicely done. Mike
  7. I really like what you did around the eyes. Nice work Mike
  8. IamSpartacus

    Furious Lure

    Looks sweet! Does it swim well?
  9. Very nice, and on a side note thats why I just steal from my girlfriend... It avoids the weird looks but risks oh so much more then that.
  10. Nice fish! So I take it he's happy with your swimbait? Mike
  11. IamSpartacus

    Blue Gill

    Im loving it. Is that body your work too, or just the paint job? Either way very nice.
  12. I'm a sophomore at Western Michigan University studying to be a highschool English teacher. Both my girlfriend and mother think attempting to be a pro bass fisherman isn't the safest of futures for me, need to get a real job.. Oh well, at least I'll have summers off.
  13. In the summer I usually go wading or canoeing rivers around here for Smallmouth. Once in a while hook into a pike, but not often enough. In the winter I'm usually after perch and pike, but lately all Ive been getting is Largemouth. With that said there isn't a kind of fish I would say no to. My friends and fly fish and bowfish for carp, good fun.
  14. Yes, but not mine... My friends, soft plastics though. I'm unfortunately the one holding the bluegill. Rough day on the water, for me at least...
  15. Bruce, I totally thought you were joking about the thong. Now that I see its actually there... Chalk me up there with the too much information guys. On a lighter note, heck yeah I want a t-shirt. Mike
  16. I'll miss watching him play, he always made the game exciting; but being neither a Packers fan nor hater I am yet to receive an emotional blow at the news either way.
  17. Good Call Kribman, forgot about that.
  18. There should be a check box under where you sign in that says Remember Me. Check that and it will keep you logged in, at least thats how it works for me. Mike
  19. IamSpartacus

    new ones

    The paint job on those are sweet! How big is that big one?
  20. I like the VMC round bend trapezoid point ones, #6 usually but im tailoring most of mine for smallmouth.
  21. I think I'd agree with The_Rookie on this for the most part, but I'm just finishing up a 2.5" bait attempting to mimick a bluegill. I'm using 6 mm eyes because the eyes of really small bluegills seem to be disproportionately large. So I guess it depends on what your going for.
  22. I like it, especially the orange on the throat of the lure, very nice.
  23. Lowes carries it if you have one of those around you.
  24. IamSpartacus

    Fat shad 4.5" crank

    That is sweet! The eyes make me laugh a little, not sure why...
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