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Everything posted by IamSpartacus

  1. I can't offer any help with your question, but I love the paintjob on the carp glider... Just thought you should know
  2. I have some fish waiting to be filleted that look exactly like that, amazing!
  3. This story is a little depressing to tell but I'll give it a shot... My friend Rob and I spotted this hawg of a largemouth right near the shore of a small inlet river to a large lake. Both of us tried everything in our tackleboxes to land this monster (It was one of those annoying fish who have apparently seen everything) but nothing was working. We saw the fish on and off for around three hours and both claimed it was the largest largemouth we had ever seen in person, neither of us have fished anywhere other then Michigan though. As we started to lose hope along came a little duckling, swimming right by us, with the bass swimming right below it. Both Rob and I said something along the lines of "Oh #### no" but sure enough the bass ate the little duckling. If only the duckling would have been kind enough to hold onto a treble hook for me the story might not have ended so depressingly. Just thought I'd share, Mike
  4. :lol:Sames true here, but she apparently wouldn't have it any other way... On the other hand she does attempt to keep me away from her nail polish. I ask her how many fish it's caught on her fingernails, but she refuses to be reasonable.
  5. I know I'm a day late but good luck and let us know how it turns out. Mike
  6. I like rapala's perch color, or anything in firetiger
  7. I like the perch colored one on the right. Nice work!
  8. Krylon Fusion works good for a primer. As far as clear coats there seem to be three main ones that most people on here seem to use. Devcon Two Ton epoxy, Envirotex, and Dick Nites. Do a search on any of those three and you are sure to come up with a lot of information. I personally use Devcon 2T which you can get from Wal-Mart, but I'm new too and its all a matter of preference really.
  9. Anybody going to be at the ultimate fishing show in Detroit, MI tomorrow? With booths or what not? Just curious Mike
  10. The new gallery is AMAZING... Like I needed another reason to drool over the lures in there.
  11. Thanks for all the help! Mike
  12. Has anybody found a way to remove scratches in lexan lips? I was wondering if eyeglass scratch remover would work, but as a poor college student I thought I would ask before spending money. Thanks, Mike
  13. You can order the screw eyes from www.staminainc.com or I've bought them at Cabelas. I'll let some of the more experienced guys handle your other questions as I'm new too.
  14. If there was a lake that close, my brother and I would never be able to get any kind of work done. With the exception, of course, of the work done with rod and reel in hand.
  15. IamSpartacus

    Fly Rod Frog

    Just to clarify I'm not insinuating that it doesn't look like it should catch fish. More wondering if it has caught fish then if it has the possibility of catching fish. I probably shouldn't leave comments this late at night... Once again awesome work! Mike
  16. IamSpartacus

    Fly Rod Frog

    haha Yes! This things awesome, does it catch fish?
  17. http://www.tackleunderground.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11067 Starts to answer your question on scaling techniques As to sources, the search feature at the top of the page will get you pretty far. Theres also a book by C. Boyd Pfieffer called "The Complete Book of Tackle Making" that will help out immensely with all of your questions. I had to order my copy online as its hard to find in bookstores. Good luck, and seriously surf around this site with the search feature as there is an amazing wealth of knowledge here. Mike
  18. You people with your access to bigger fish then me. The in-between sizes of my cranks have #8 treble hooks. What I really hate is the #12:oooh: I'll post some pictures when I head back to my apartment, my roommate and I have made quite a collection of "Micro cranks". Mike
  19. I love the penny lip, have you tested it yet?
  20. I'm sorry to hear about that man, that's awful, but thanks for the warning! Mike
  21. You guys from Alabama make me jealous. Still fishing three days before Christmas. Here I am living next to a completely frozen river. Geez... some guys have all the fun
  22. IamSpartacus

    prop baits

    I'd bet on that bluegill one to catch fish like crazy. Excellent Work! Mike
  23. These are awesome! Every time I look at one of your lures I am amazed. Great work, truly inspiring.
  24. I really like www.staminainc.com I was actually expecting a package today...
  25. That one on the far left is my favorite, but amazing job all around.
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