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Everything posted by IamSpartacus

  1. Merry Christmas all! P.S. I just gave my best friend from home the best present ever for Christmas. A seed of addiction to lurecrafting that will grow and grow for the rest of his life.
  2. Thanks a lot Pete, I'm really excited about trying this. Now all I have to do is find my girlfriends keys... Mike
  3. I just tried foiling my first bait on what I considered a "practice plug." It was actually just something I had carved out in a a matter of like 15 minutes. I did it real quick and relatively sloppy, unfortunately the lure ended up with amazing action and I actually liked what I did with the paint. I only say unfortunately because now I'm upset I did it quick and sloppy, guess ya live and learn. Now I have something to emulate I guess...
  4. Ah thanks guys! Looking forward to the pictures.
  5. I've seen a couple baits in the gallery with a custom bent lexan lip. One of them even had a jitterbug type lip. Has anybody done this/ have any advice on how to do that. Thanks, Mike
  6. Ah! This ones awesome. I love the carving.
  7. IamSpartacus

    Red Holographic

    Thats amazing, must try...
  8. Oh yeah I got that, but I thought he was asking how to post it in the galleries... maybe not though. Mike
  9. You could also tear (or nicely remove) one out of an old microwave, the motor that turns the plate at the bottom but now I see you've already ordered one:) I'm making my drying wheel when I go home for Christmas break, wish me luck!
  10. This is the way I do it, if there's an easier way I'm not sure of it... 1. Upload pictures onto photobucket (This will resize it to an acceptable size) 2. I then take the pictures from there and save them back to my computer, I have a mac so I just click and drag it to my desktop, but you can also right click it and save image to a location of your choice. 3. Then I upload the appropriately re-sized image directly from my computer into the photos section. Hope it helps, works for me!
  11. Ah thank you Clamboni! So many brushes ruined by Devcon...
  12. IamSpartacus

    My hand made lure

    Thats amazing, I love the Lexan lip on it! Have you fished with it yet, how's its action?
  13. IamSpartacus

    3" Rainbow

    I love it! How'd you bend the lip like that? Is it Lexan? Anyways that color is awesome.
  14. IamSpartacus

    ul balsa baits

    I love the two in the second row, I just finished sealing a balsa crank around that size, hope the paint job turns out a fraction as good as these!
  15. IamSpartacus

    Golden Firetiger

    This is a little 3.5" stick-bait made out of balsa and hand-painted in what I am calling a golden fire tiger. I am hoping to mimic all the golden fire tiger colored minnows that the smallmouth love to feed on in southwestern Michigan. Anyways tell me what you think: comments and critiques would be much appreciated; but remember I am new at this! This lure making business is way too addicting...
  16. IamSpartacus

    Golden Firetiger

    This is a little 3.5" stick-bait made out of balsa and hand-painted in what I am calling a golden fire tiger. I am hoping to mimic all the golden fire tiger colored minnows that the smallmouth love to feed on in southwestern Michigan. Anyways tell me what you think: comments and critiques would be much appreciated; but remember I am new at this! This lure making business is way too addicting...
  17. Pikeman, Im not sure if that idea is a new concept to more then just me, but even so... brilliant. I had never thought of that, I've just been putting weights where I guessed they should go and crossing my fingers. That right there is why I love this site. Thanks, this is going to help a lot!
  18. I'd click on the forums tab, and scroll down to member submitted tutorials for a general outline on making cranks. I'm not sure whats there exactly, but theres only four pages to look through and a really good one on making a balsa wood minnow. After looking there some of these other guys are amazing when it comes to answering further questions. Good luck!
  19. Haha nice Vodkaman! I test mine in a bathtub usually with my roommate watching on, gets us some weird looks when my girlfriend or other people walk into our apartment looking for us.
  20. IamSpartacus

    Red Holographic

    That looks amazing, did you get that from a giftbag? Either way looks like it'll flash like crazy, good luck fishing it. It's a little too pretty for me to fish with though.
  21. IamSpartacus

    Rocket Shads

    Wish I knew how to delete double posts... Instead i'll just change this one:yay:
  22. IamSpartacus

    Rocket Shads

    I love it, a new look on firetiger I haven't seen before. Nice work!
  23. Anybody have any pictures of these on a lure?
  24. Wait? Does that actually work? Really?!
  25. IamSpartacus


    This is one of my first attempts at making my own lures... Its something of a copy of an Original Rapala, but painted in my attempt at a simple smallmouth pattern. Its hand painted, cross my fingers for an airbrush for Christmas, and hand carved (or sanded) out of balsa. Hopefully this thing will tempt some of the pike and smallmouth in my backyard. Any comments or feedback are more then welcome, I'm completely new to this and would love any advice or anything really! Maybe some advice on how to take a good looking picture.
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