Guess I'll start this thing... My names Mike, I'm 19, and I live in Kalamazoo, Michigan. There's nothing thats more fun and more cleansing to me then a smallmouth at the end of my line. I literally just got into making my own lures like a month ago. It all started on a bet between my roommate and I about who could catch a fish first on a homemade hardbait. After making the first one I've become slightly addicted to the whole thing. So... Hopefully eventually I will be contributing as much to the site as I'm getting from it, but it might take a little while.
I have been able to give my roommate some advice though, like "watch out man, that epoxy will stick your fingers right together" and "look! if you leave treble hooks on the living room floor they'll eventually stick to your foot and leave a bleeding bait pattern on your heel."
Well thats a little about me, thanks for all the help, and if you have any questions just ask