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Everything posted by gadawgs

  1. gadawgs

    bluegill wakebait

    Found this bait three or four years. A dog had chewed it up real bad. Some wood filler, paint and epoxy and she's good as new.
  2. gadawgs

    Do crawfish school?

    thundershad, number 7 and number 5 shad rap
  3. I think your best bet would be a different type of resin as opposed to an additive.
  4. search for "signatures" and "signing baits"
  5. Great stuff here. All ican add is that your weight should be as low as possible and as close to the first joint as you can get it. The first joint should be weighted in the back and the rest of them should have the weight towards the front.
  6. will any digital scale work?
  7. gadawgs

    few new wacky colors

    Coll colors. I'd like to see that top one on a crankbait.
  8. gadawgs

    spook repaint

    Thanks man! How would you add the flake and what kind? Any and all suggestions are appreciated.
  9. I have been trying to become more concistent in my lures using molds and templates but i havent come up with a good way to concistently weight my lures. i know about placement but im concerned with the amount of weight. right now im drilling holes and dripping lead solder into it and counting the drops but im sure their has to be better ways. Any ideas?
  10. gadawgs

    spook repaint

    still trying to get the hang of this. its more green than the picture shows kind of sexy shad/ blueback herring color.
  11. I would love to have a place to go like that but I think for the most part your customers are going to be local unless you do a primarily online shop like tacklewarehouse, basstackledepot ect. The problem with customs is they are generally going to be more expensive. I think the best thing to do is start with the typical stuff that people fill they can catch fish on plus a few customs and as your business grows begin to add more customs. Just my two cents.
  12. gadawgs

    swimbait 2

    thank you
  13. gadawgs

    swimbait 3

    resin. five and a half inches. plexiglass tail
  14. gadawgs

    swimbait 2

    resin. five and a half inch. soft plastic tail
  15. gadawgs

    swimbait 1

    five and a half inches. resin. plexiglass tail
  16. gadawgs


    awesome looking bait!! Does it have rattles?
  17. I have never done this but have wondered the same thing. You may want to try heating the bait.( don't melt a hole in the bait.). Also try the paint mentioned above. Let us know what you find out
  18. i don't know but they have a unique feel to them. dont think it's a normal clear coat
  19. awesome bait. can't wait for the tutorial.
  20. In case I have never said it before I love this site. Y'all are awsome. Keith that is a good lookin bait. I have been using 1/8 inch plexiglass for my tails and have are hard time cutting them symetrical. Any tips? Different material? Anyways you might want to try adding more screw eyes per joint. The more spread out the better. That should help with future binding problems.
  21. resin will allow you to make baits with a lot more detail than wood baits because it is not as brittle but the general shape of your preform will be the same. so if you carve the preform like you would any other swimbait then you can make a mold of the preform. then when you get a bait swimming (no paint or sealer) you can disassemble it and mold your individual sections. this will give you the option of later making baits with different amounts of joints from the same profile.
  22. What ratio of microballoons to resin do yall use to make a bait. I'm wanting to make it float and then add lead to sink it. Hope this isn't to vague. thanks
  23. do any of you guys use that make two part molds use the clay that comes with the rtv? I have made a mold before and using this but it was with great difulculty. the problem i have with it it is around the fins gills and mouths. any advice? also how do you guys make a one piece mold? do you just suspend the bait?
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