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About outdooradvantage

  • Birthday 03/26/1969

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  1. I would try to get into some local bait shops and go frome there. I think it would be hard to do it full time, but I'm sure it can be done. I have been doing it for a couple years and have a few baits shops, a tourney guy,web site, and would not consider quitting my full time job.
  2. I also started with Jann's mold's. My advice like the others is to get rid of them, try to sell them on E-Bay and chalk it up as a lost. I sold mine on there and got most of my money back. Stick with Bear's. Just my 2cents.
  3. Yes congrats Pig Destroyer, nice fish.
  4. Wow 25 per bag? Gonna have to try that............
  5. The injector system is much faster than hand pouring. Also allows you to make curltails in one shot, no pouring tail first. A big improvment from hand pouring these kind of baits.
  6. I am useing 6x4 and 8 per bag.
  7. I am also useing laminate bags.
  8. I have it and my friends and I are catching some nice Smallies on it. It is a awesome mold.
  9. I wouldn't go with the 10 dollar injector. Pain in the rear and dangerous. Bear has one that works awesome.
  10. There are quite a few brands to choose from. Here are a couple I use. www.bearsbaits.com www.lurecraft.com
  11. No you dont need softner for Bears Soft plastic. I dont add any, they are soft enough. I add my color before I cook and the glitter after. Hope this helps.
  12. I am sure you can just make sure they are dry, and be prepared for the smell.
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