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Everything posted by bobothewizard

  1. I got my last one for a 2 cavity for $9, so yeah guy i have priced them. Like i said the order was great and I will order again from him.
  2. The absorption of the water is what i was afraid of. Thanks a bunch for the answers guys.
  3. Saturday I received my first ever order from bears baits. I made the order on Thursday morning for 2 1/2 gallons of plastic, 1 - 3" swim bait mold and 1 - 4 ounce container of colorant, blue to be exact. All this came out to about $115 including shipping. Shipping was super fast with only 3 day wait time. The colorants seems like its just the same as other colorants that you would expect, so all good their. I was a little surprised to see the plastic in one big container that holds 2 1/2 gallons, i was thinking that it would come in seperate containers, no big deal at all, i just wasnt sure what to expect as i never ordered that much plastic before. The swimbait mold was the only thing i wasnt extactic with in the whole order, now dont get me wrong the RTV swimbait mold looks great, i just thought i would get a little more for a $20 rtv mold. Its made extremely nice, but its only one cavity. All in all, i will definately order from bears baits again and i would suggest you do too. Thanks for reading.
  4. Once you all pour your baits and take them out of the mold, what do you do with them? I personally take the baits right from the mold into a long container full of water to cool the bait, but im wondering if that hurts the baits at all. Then after a minute or 2 i take the baits out and lay them on a table.
  5. I ended up needing plastic so I ordered some from bears baits and also purchased the 3" swimming minnow mold since I couldnt get a 3 " one anywhere else. $19.50 seemed a bit much to me though for a RTV mold and since he doesnt have a picture of that mold im not sure how many cavities it has.
  6. hmm, never thought of that. Thanks a bunch for the great ideas.
  7. Thanks Del, I assume your talking about drinks that have glass containers?
  8. Well, i measured the mold i have last night and it appears its the 3 1/4 inch mold. So i contacted Kim and asked if they had a 3 inch mold available and they do not. Any other places to look to purchase a 3 inch mold?
  9. For anyone out their that uses dipping blades to make swimbaits, what are you meling your plastic in? I use pyrex cups and for me to use a dipping blade it would seem that you cannot get the dipping blade in the cup without filling the cup up the whole way? Also does anyone have a few pictures of your swimbaits that your making, i currently own a plastic mold from LC, 5x869 to be exact, and im wondering if i start using a dipping blade how would you get different colors or multiple colored swimbaits when using a dipping blade? Right now i use 2 different cups of plastic in the top pour mold and just pour them in layers and after they are cool, i insert eyes and redip them in clear plastic to cover the eyes. Thanks for the info.
  10. Can anyone give me the number of a good lurecraft plastic swimbait mold? There pictures are kinda crappy and I cannot tell what is what... Im looking for a 3 inch mold. Thanks in advance.
  11. Does anyone know what a good alternative to a L2221 jig hook would be? Im about to order some hooks to make some jigs and I do not like the L2221 hook. Im using the Weedless Bullet Bass jig mold from staminainc that recommends the Eagle Claw L2221 hook, but to me the gap isnt wide enough and the things rust to easy. If i could find something from owner or some other high end hook it would make me Thanks guys!
  12. Jig N pig - Black/blue fleck
  13. Im thinking about buying myself an airbrush set, brush and compressor and i have a few questions. 1. Does anyone know where i can buy a kit i.e. airbrush and compressor? 2. My main thing i will be painting is my swimbaits and lead jig heads, so what kind of paint is used for this type of application? 3. On the swimbaits, does a clear coat or anything of that nature need to go on to preserve the paint on the bait? Thanks a bunch in advance for the answers
  14. Hi,I'm new here, how's it going?"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would be expected in a cosmic religion for the future: it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and theology; it covers both the natural & spiritual, and it is based on a religious sense aspiring from the experience of all things as a meaningful unity" - Albert Einstein---Stephaniehttp://stephanie.site.io I wouldnt go to the site if i was you.
  15. Thats awesome, man i cant wait to get my swimbaits down to the potomac next month. Congratz again.
  16. Oh man... Thats a good idea. Why didnt i think of that...
  17. I cant even find a mold for these types of hooks. You would think they would be easy to produce but for some reason i cant find any.
  18. There has to be a cheaper way to get these. I went to my local bass pro over lunch time to pick up some weighted hooks to try out my new swimbaits and this is what i found. Owner Weighted TwistLock 3X Wire Super Needle Point - Model 5132W $5 for a pack of 3!!! There has to be either a cheaper way to make these or a different brand.
  19. When you guys add swimbait eyes i assume you are re-dipping in clear plastic so the eyes get covered and permanently attached. The question i have is when you redip do you re-dip the whole bait or just enough to cover the eyes? If you do dip the whole bait what do you hold the bait with to redip? Also some of the pictures i see have your completed baits in a bucket of water, whats the purpose of this?
  20. Anyone know where i can get a mold to make some flutter hooks? Im not sure if they are called something else but i have been looking all over the place and cannot find any. Any help would be greatly appreciated, oh and by the way i poured my first set of those swimbaits from LC and they worked GRRREEAT! Now all i need are some flutter hooks for em
  21. Im going to be starting to pour some 3 3/4 " swimbaits from lurecraft and i was wondering how do you guys rig these. I was wondering if there is a weedless application to "swim" these things through grass. Pictures would be worth one thousand words
  22. Guys, your input is amazing. Thanks a bunch, I went ahead and ordered some molds with confidence thanks to everyones replys. I actually ordered the swimbait mold that was mentioned in this thread. For $10 what can it hurt. Once someone comes out with an actual mold that will match the basstrix, either hollow or not, ill go ahead and jump on that one too Again, thanks a bunch for the input.
  23. Cool, thanks a bunch for the input, now if i can just find a straight tail finesse worm mold on there site for a shaky head application ill be extremly happy. They need better pictures.
  24. Anyone know if these molds are half decent? Im trying to find a swimbait mold as close to the basstrix ones that i can get and he has a few swimbait molds but the pictures are not very clear. I have a few other molds in the shopping cart such as a trailer mold, beaver mold and such. Just wanting to see your opionions before i go ahead and submit the order. Also if anyone knows of the model number of the lurecraft swimbait mold that would best match a basstrix bait please let me know. Either way i have to order a whole lot of colors off him but was going to throw a few plastic molds in the mix.
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