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Everything posted by Kribman

  1. I was worried that I thinned the paint too much... and to the equipment, I realized last night that trying to get the equipment quick and cheap just to get going will probably be more expensive in the long run. One of the only resources for crafts in my area is a small hobby shop and they have probably had that gun in there for 10 years w/o thinking about lowering the price. I guess I will suffer through what I have now until i can save up enough for some nicer stuff. Thanks -Kribman
  2. Well, this is my very first painting job. I just did it on a lousy Mania Jake type lure that I messed up on. I was able to make do. This is without sanding the primer (I don't know why I didn't) or putting any epoxy on... http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/20100057/CIMG0068.jpg
  3. I tried to skimp out on compressor/gun, and I think I may have paid the price. My compressor, I know its bad, is a Powercat airbrush rated up to 30 lbs. that I got on Ebay for $45. I also bought a Paasche single action with three needles. I was using my black createx that I watered down a tin a bit, just to do the practice exercises that came with the brush. I can make good dots, but when i try to make lines, they start out strong for the few few, and then get very weak. Sometimes the paint is hardly coming out. When I look at the pressure gauge while the brush is spraying, and it goes down to 10 or so. Is this bad? Also, I can feel an air leak at the junction between the hose and the gun. Is this bad? Are these problems stemming from the cheap compressor, the brush, the hose connection, or the paint mixture? Don't be afraid to tell me to buy new gear or give suggestions for an inexpensive, but still quality, setup! Thanks, -Kribman
  4. I need to add a bit f front weight to some of my lures, but don't have a torch to melt lead. I have the casting pans or whatever, just no means of melting it. Is there any way I cold insert a slip shot or any other weight by ust drilling than filling with wood filler? thanks a lot, and go REDSKINS! (for the packer's sake) -Kribman
  5. does anyone know any tutorials or have any information on how I can do a line tie ring on this lure? I just am baffled ho to get the line to effectively attach to the lure...
  6. Kribman

    new ones

    interesting shape!
  7. Happy New Years everyone! I have finally shaped a body out of maple that I am happy with using my band saw and dremel tool and created a lip (not epoxied in yet) out of some plexi-glass I had and I need to know where to go next. The pictures shown are where I am at, and I am wondering whether I should seal, drill holes for weights and screw eyes, put the lip in or what... From these pictures, can anyone give me a walkthrough up until the painting process? Thanks a bunch -Kribman http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/20100057/CIMG0055.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/20100057/CIMG0054.jpg http://i138.photobucket.com/albums/q247/20100057/CIMG0002.jpg
  8. I'm Willie, I'm fifteen years old and I live in Wilmette Illinois (just north of Chicago). I have only been making the bodies of lure for two months now and can't wait to start painting. I'd love to share things I knew about lure making, except everyone here is more learned than me! If anyone needs aquarium advice, pm me! Fishing wise, I target mostly largies and the esox family. I am looking forward to ice out (long ways to go...) to try out some of my lures! good to meet you all, Kribman
  9. I would like to add something. Is it recommended to buy paint specifically made for airbrushing, or can you get acrylic paint in a tube and water it down?
  10. I caught king clam on a musky killer a long time back, and i thought I could get it off by slamming it on the water, and I never saw the lure or the clam again.
  11. ONE MORE THING, do you have to buy specific paints for airbrushes, or can you just use acrylic paint from a tube?
  12. wow thanks everyone. I am planning on airbrushing with acrylics and will post some pics as soon as i am done!
  13. Now I am a bit confused, because i have done a web search and a lure maker simply cut a slice about 3/5 of the way up the belly and simply slid the wires in. Are you suggestion that I cut the lure in half, then weight it and put wire in? Not that this will be too difficult, I just need to know how to get the lure back together after i cut it. And for future reference for people reading this post, here is a Jake:
  14. Hi, I'd like to introduce myself. I go by Kribman and I live just north of Chicago. I love to fish as does everyone else here. Just a quick intro. But also, i am new to lure making and am curious about the walkthrough steps of making Muskie crankbaits. I have formed a 7'' Jake like lure and have sanded it down and everything. From my vague knowledge of through wire construction, I cut a large slice down the front belly of the lure. But I am stuck here. Should I seal now? How do I get the wire and lip to stay in the lure. And finally, when you make mesh scales, do you start by; 1. doing an undercoat of paint 2. apply the mesh with glue 3. paint over the mesh? This seems like a lot, but I really do need help just to get started. Thanks a bunch
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