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Everything posted by Laydog

  1. Do you guys have a website for Zeiner's? I could certainly use some fast shipping... thanks
  2. Laydog


    Thanks for the info guys. Are these primarily smallie lures or do the lmb like them too?
  3. Laydog


    Ok guys what are these things? I have seen pictures of them but I don't get it. How is it supposed to be rigged and fished? What makes it such a great bait? Thanks in advance.
  4. I didn't see where this had been posted so I figureed I would start a new one. For those that don't know every year the AF holds a DoD bass tournament. This tournament is open to anyone holding a CURRENT military ID over the age of 16. (Those under must fish with a guardian) Anyway, this year the tournament is being held in TN. Here's the info, you can also go to www.militarybass.com. Preliminary Event Information: Lake: Dale Hollow ( Byrdstown, Tennessee) Dates: May 5-9, 2008 Launch/Weigh In Site: Sunset Marina (Directions to Site) Practice: Sunday May 4th - Tuesday May 6 Onsite Registration: Monday - Pickett County Elementary & High School 1pm -5pm Registration 6pm Dinner / Safety Briefing 7pm USO Show Tournament: Wednesday - Friday Day 1: Launch Safe Daylight Day 1: Weigh In 3:00pm (first flight)Day 2: Launch Safe Daylight Day 2: Weigh In 3:00pm (first flight)Day 3: Launch Safe Daylight Day 3: Weigh In 2:30pm (first flight)All weigh-ins will be at the tent site at Sunset Marina.
  5. Laydog


    Hey guys, I have a 2007 Triton 186. When I bought it I had a new trunk and everything was fine. Then I got a 1997 F150 and the running lights stopped working on the trailer. Brake lights and turn signals work fine, but the Triton lights and yellow lights on the side don't work. I had the truck checked and everything was fine. While the boat was in for it's yearly maintenance they checked the trailer and everything was fine. So I bought a new 7 round to 5 flat converter and now none of the lights work. I know the problem is with the converter, but I don't have a clue where to look. Do you guys have any thoughts? Thanks guys.
  6. So the primary reason is to get a cubic buttload of plastic poured in a very short amount of time... and it seems that the only drawback is the massive cost. Thanks for the info guys, I appreciate it.
  7. I have seen dozens of posts that refer to an injecting machine or utencils. But what exaclty is injecting? What are the pro, cons, benefits, etc. I am new to pouring, so you may have to dumb it down a little. Thanks in advance guys.
  8. The choice of hardner and softener is really what you up to you. I like my worms very soft but quite dense so they fall faster. I get most of my stuff from www.del-mart.com. You can get a plastic additive kit that has hardner and softener as well as scent. The main "staple"colors are Jnebug, Watermelon, and Green pumpkin. All of which you can get at the site above. You only need a few drops per batch so a couple onces will go along way. I also like Dels 2 piece aluminum stick mold. I just started pouing and have yet to pour a bad batch from it. As far as glitter goes, if you are making the three colors I mentioned above I would get green, red, and black. worm oil is used to keep the plastic from sticking to each other, so I highly suggest it. I usually put a few drops in the plastic bag and spread it around. Then I will add the worms and put a few more drops on them and mix the worms around in the bag. I hope this helps.
  9. Nevermind... I found the post.
  10. I know one of the sites I used to run got hacked by some moron... He contacted me and said to get the site back I would have to pay him $250. He said after I paid he would replace it and secure ti for me. I told him where to stick it, rebuilt the site and had a friend hook it up for me. I hate when people take advantage of others like that. There is literally no reason for it.
  11. Del what happened man? I hit your site today for my daily dose and noticed that some a**hat took your site. I'm sorry to see that man.
  12. That's a great idea and it looks like it would work quite well. Nicely done.
  13. I just started pouring and I pour in my attached garage. I bought a workbench from Lowes and set up on that. I always open the main garage door about 2 feet and open the side garage door all the way when I pour. I also wear a respirator because the smells give me a migraine if I don't.
  14. What's the matter with using wood to stir the plastic? I have been using popsicle sticks and haven't noticed any problems.
  15. Those look great for a first pour or a seasoned vet. Congrats!
  16. Last night my first order from Del came in so I ran to the garage and started playing around. I mixed the colors I was looking for along with the glitter and heated the plastic on a hot plate until it was about 325 degrees. I stirred in constantly and poured the plastic right into the mold. (5 1/4" stick from del) Anyway, they came out MUCH better than I was expecting for my first pour. However, on the pouring end they were hollow about 1" down. I poured about 12 worms and only one wasn't hollow, but I don't know what I did different on that one worm. Any thoughts or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  17. Laydog

    I'm a newbie

    Thank you Spike, we appreciate your kind words. Phil, this was actually more of my wife's idea... I think she got tired of me saying that I didn't have it and I would have to buy more. Now I have to say that I don't have the right mold and will have to buy it.
  18. Laydog

    I'm a newbie

    My wife is getting ready to deploy for six months, so I am not going to have much else to do besides work and fish. I "think" I'm reasy.
  19. Laydog

    I'm a newbie

    Hey folks, just thought I would drop a line and introduce myself. I haven't been fishing for very long... only about a year regularly. I have also just started pouring my own plastics. Well I haven't started yet, but I have all the materials, now I need the time. I look forward to talking with you all soon. Steve
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