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Everything posted by MONKEYqpHUNTER

  1. one of the companys sell a color called moca cant remember if its lurecraft m-f dell one of them
  2. differnt plastic pours at differnt temps for examample when i pour super soft with super float added for my my shakey worms it pours good around 320-325 but when i pour baits that are not super soft it pours good around 345-350 it seem like it dont start to smoke until around 370 but the super soft will smole around 360.i use m-f plastic and add my own softner to super soft worms.i am useing pouring pots with digital temp control its easy to regulate the temp this way.i have noticed on the 2 piece molds they pour best when the molds are warm and the plastic is heated up a lil hotter than what you need for a regular open top mold.
  3. microwave the un colored plastic pour a few worms and microwave it again you will notice it will start to turn yellow after a few time in the microwave.now if you are nukeing it to much in the begining it will be yellow from the start i would guess this is what is happennig to you .you just could not see it with the colored plastic.dont reheat the plastic for every mold keep pouring till the plastic thickens then reheat you should be able to pour a couple of molds before reheating.plus the flake will bleed and curl if heated to much.hope this explains a lil .
  4. try heating your plastic to temp then add your color.if you add the color first then microwave it you cooking the plastic plus the color. the only colors i add to cold plastic is the flouresent colors.think abou t it you cant realy control the microwave temp.sometimes the plastic will be well above the temp need to cook the plastic so this has tyo have a negative effect on the color.also by adding color last if you are useing a pouring pot it keeps all the left overs in the pyrex cups are clear save them a couple of time and you have left overs that can be used for your next batch regardless of color.
  5. there are chunk molds on ebay right now i typed in "worm mold" and got a bunch of results including a auction with 3 four cavity chunk molds the price was 4 or 5 bucks plus shipping of 3 dollars sounds good for 3 molds seems like a cheep way to try out the soft plastic pork chunks.
  6. what store would i find the durhams i have used daps pop for years with no problems but wouldnt mind trying something else........thanks:popcorn:
  7. i use a metal whisp for baking to mix my plaster it takes care of the lumps and being made of small round wire there are no flat sides like on a spoon to trap air between when stirring.ty it they are a dollar at the dollar store.
  8. look up smooth-on on the net the oomoo25 is the best deal ive found get the 22 lb kit for around 150 dollars delivered.you will get around 40 molds depending on the size of the mold.you could probably get more molds than that but i make mine a lil thick.this siliconeneeds no vacum and it releases from the frame with no problems glue you master down to bottom of mold box,you cant push it down.cure time is 90 minutes i let mine sit for 3 hours and its never gummy on the edges make your frames out of the cheep strip wood at local harware store alot of guys use baking pans and tupperware but theres alot of wasted space which in turns wastes alot of the silicone my email is shanescustombaits@yahoo.com message me if you need help.
  9. send me a picture of one you like and i may be able to help get you the molds you want shanescustombaits@yahoo.com
  10. SEND ME A EMAIL AT shanescustombaits@yahoo.com i can do the sheets for you or i could make you a mold for the tails.
  11. Thats What I Found To Just About All The Big Worms Are Strait No Curl To The Tail I Sent You A Pic Of One Check Your Email.
  12. email me at shanescustombaits@yahoo.com i think i can help you
  13. rip i realy like the colors and the shiney finish is great.you can speed up or slow down the fall rate with salt . rip call me when you get a chance
  14. i agree with nova on this the plastic out of the microwave will sometimes be alot hotter than need be.you dont want 350-400 degree plastic splashing on your lap were your cup cracked from the heat.wal-mart k-mart target even you grocery store will have real pyrex.
  15. loco i can get some more of these molds made out of silicone for ya.if intrested send me a email at shanescustombaits@yahoo.com
  16. I also have a few of these molds.notice there is a small vent hole on the bottom make sue its not cloged up and dont sit it flat on the table this will stop the air flow.these are a lil harder to pour by hand because the plastic stream touchs the side and the cavity gets smaller as the plastic bulids up .much more easy to do if poured with the poureing pots.also if pouring by hand with pyrex cup make the plastic a lil hoter the thin plastic will make a faster smaller stream.hope this helps.............
  17. Jeffj I Could Make These Molds For You Out Of Silicone My Email Is shanescustombaits@yahoo.com
  18. jeff i think i have 879 and a few others when i get to the shop ill look.i will pour you a few of each and mail them to you to try out.
  19. get a postal scale there around 30 bucks . the plastic weighs the same raw in the jug as it does in a finished bait. just put a bait on the scale and do the math.if a worm weighs .20 of the ounce you know you will get 5 in a ounce. theres a 128 ounce in a gallon you can figure out your yield plus if you need 25 worms you can make up the exact amount of plastic you need with no leftover .
  20. the best way to control a lee pot is adding a indicator light that is hooked to the heating coil .what this does for you is when the heating coils kick on the light comes on when the pot reaches temp and the coils cut off the light goes out. when used with a digital thermometer it is easy to control the lee pot.if any one needs any info on how to do this feel free to contact me shanescustombaits@yahoo.com
  21. thanks for all the help guys.i like what the pumpkinseed did to the red great trick thanks jdbaits.
  22. i dont have any. a friend was catching fish on them the other day when i was visiting him.were i live at has no bait shops so i cant take a picture of one to post,but you can see the color im talking on any of the web pages like bass pro etc.any help would be great.the tackle shop thing is what got me into pouring my own worms.thanks again
  23. i wanted to make a few baits in zooms cherry seed. I played with this color but could only get kinda close any help would be great thanks.
  24. with a lil practice you can do the dots, stripes and a whole lot more with the lee production pot.
  25. daveh go to dells web site he has a very good cook book and its in abc order there are are 4-5 motor oiuils recipes there play with these and you can add a lil of this or a lil of that to get the color close to what you are looking for.
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