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Everything posted by oscarsteel

  1. I was given a 3/8 oz production football jig mold. It does not have a place for weed guard inserts. My question is can I pour the jig and then drill the lead and epoxy the guard in? I thought I read about doing this in another post, but I can't find it right now. Anyone doing this please let me know if its worth the time or should I just get one made for weed guards. Thanks
  2. What the HECK is a squirrel roaster:huh:
  3. I didn't practice on any thing ohter than the lures. I had to wash the paint off of the first one about nine times before I got the look I was after. It takes a lot of trail and error for me. I have done about fifty now for friends and myself. Now I only have to start over about five times. The only suggestions I can make are get a airbrush and start painting. You WILL make mistakes but it washes off easily until its dry. Have fun I warn you its very addictive. I thought when I started doing this it would be a cheap way to build my tackle box, Boy was I wrong. Its still alot of fun.
  4. Thanks, They are createx paints except for the crawdad pattern. the darker color is apple barrel from walmart.
  5. I just wanted to show my first batch of painted cranks. I didn't make the bodies. I bought them from jann's. I have been reading every post on this site for the last three months trying to learn everything I can about lurecrafting. You guys in hardbaits are amazing. I kept looking in the gallery at the paint jobs and I had to try it. I read a post awhile by the Rookie the said buy an airbrush and just start painting. Thats what I did. Let me know how I'm doing. THANKS to all of you for sharing your knowledge the way you do. I hope I can return the favor.
  6. I use kylon flat white for my primer. Createx for the most part for colors. Top coated with etex. I have used apple barrel paint from Walmart. I had to thin it quite a bit. Some colors cloged my airbrush. I would stick to createx, less problems. Have fun!!
  7. That is some tight rings. I can't find it around here right now but I am going to keep looking. That has to be better. Thanks for taking the time to show me the differance. You have been very helpful.
  8. Would anyone know where I can buy plastic or foam bodies are deep runners like a rattlin rouge? I have looked at janns, stanima, and barlows. I would like to try and paint some for my father in law but i'm having trouble find them.
  9. Thanks for all the info. I have a lot of western red and eastern red cedar. I will try make some from both. I like the idea of the old growth cedar that Fishthanks mentioned. Do you get from a local lumber yard? I have never seen any other than what we use for decks and exterior trim.
  10. Is one any better than the other, as far as lure performance or is it just workability with the wood? Also thanks for sharing.
  11. Let me start buy saying you guys that make these hardbaits are amazing to me. The quality of these baits is unreal. I have been reading all the posts here for the last two weeks and have learned a lot from you guys. I am thinking about trying my hand at crankbaits. I am a carpenter by trade and have all the tools you use. An unlimited suppy of wood. I see some of you use Cedar for this, but is it western red Cedar or is it hard red Cedar like the Cedar trees we have here in the Ozark hills.
  12. I just used a center punch to make a small scratch to the outside of the problem area. Worked like a charm. I guess the mold was to tight.
  13. I tried scratching a small vent in the problem area. It worked!! Now they are flawless. Thank you all for your replys. I knew if there was way to fix it I would find the answer here. I have been very impressed with amount of knowledge shared in this forum. Again THANK YOU all.
  14. Where do I get tin? Would lead free plumbing solder work? Would adding tin make the bait more durable also? Thanks for your help.
  15. I have kept any of the bad ones. I remelt them. The problem is always the front or head. Just behind the eyes. It pours fine up to the gate I guess. I will pour some today and try to post a picture. Not real good with a computer but I'll try. You guys are great. I wasn't expecting a reply that quick!! Thanks
  16. This is my first post here. I have been able to find the answer to every question I had until now. This forum is great for newbies like myself. I have been pouring perfect 1/4 and 3/8 oz ultra minnow spinnerbaits for about six months now. But I can't get the 1/2 oz to pour complete. I get one out of 15 to pour complete. I have tried tilting the mold, added wax as a flux, heating the mold, hooks, and wire. I don't know what else to do. I use a mix of tire weights and soft plumbing lead. It works perfect for the 3/8 and 1/4. What else can try? Any help will be much appricated.
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