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Everything posted by justinchandler

  1. I have the two part mold from Del-Mart. When my pours start to cool....it causes the plastic to sink in at the top, causing a small hole in the head of my senko. What am I doing wrong? Also, I have tried pouring laminates, and I keep getting the "cold crack". I have tried heating my mold, what else should I do? Thanks!
  2. I know I have seen these pours.....and they are amazing....but how in the heck?? I have tried and tried to get this effect and just can't do it. Everything ends up blending. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
  3. http://www.backwatersonline.com/moreinfo.cfm?Product_ID=3357&CFID=7840122&CFTOKEN=64377764
  4. got a recipe for the Alabama Craw color???
  5. I have seen this term around in the soft plastics forum....what does it mean and how is it diff. from a regular pour? THANKS!
  6. That is correct. I have only sealed it once....will be doing it again today, and once more this evening. Had some family issues come up so I couldn't do it last night. Elmers is the way to go!!!! I will have some more pics up of my PB&J colors this evening too!
  7. How did you get the transition in colors on the one on the far right? Looks good!
  8. Anybody know a good green pumpkin recipe? Thanks!
  9. Been giving some old plastics a good melt down while I await my order from www.zeiners.com. I am getting bubbles in my pours....normal??? Never melted old plastics.
  10. Wife is moving me out to the garage when it comes to pouring. Since it is getting winter here in the south, I was wandering how much, if any, effect this will have on pouring. I wont be pouring in any temp under probably 45-50 degrees. Thanks!
  11. What is the best site to buy products from?
  12. They really arent very flat sided. I over pour just a little and it crowns up. Also, my mold is deep, so you lose no thickness in the bait. When I made the mold.....I had to actually trim the pacas out because a fine layer of plaster covered them. But yes, they work very well!
  13. Trying to get perfection with my pours.....but some of them have bubbles in them. I am pouring in a one part mold that I posted in an earlier thread. My heating element is a propane powered hot plate. I sealed my mold with Elmers Glue All. Any suggestions?
  14. Hey Dale, I will try and pour you some....give me a call and I will get your email address from you so I can show the the pics. of the mold I made. This is from Ashley....
  15. Yes, but it is a one part mold. Im not sure if I could pour one without some kind of funnel guide or something of that nature. Is it hard to pour free handed?
  16. Looking for a mold.......the closest thing to the Netbait Paca Chunk trailers. I have tried making this mold with plaster of paris with no luck. Thanks!
  17. Aggghhhh.....IM BLIND!!!!! lol....thanks
  18. Hey guys, New to the forum. Looks like a great place for info!!! Anyways, I am looking for a site that has a "cookbook", so to speak, for various colors on the market today. I am just now getting into hand pouring. Thanks in advance!!
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