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21xdc last won the day on March 8

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About 21xdc

  • Birthday 07/16/1965

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    Bass fishing and fast boats. I can do both on the same day.

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  1. This works great for the smaller molds. The taller molds need an additional clap on the top. I'm happy with it for what I need it for.
  2. I like the pneumatic clamps that many use, and thought this might bridge that gap.
  3. I bought one today.... I hope to use it soon. It has 4 mounting holes, But I won't mount mine.
  4. Local to me https://deadonplastixllc.com/product-category/plastisol/
  5. Thinking I could use a bar clamp on top if need be. This can be screwed or clamped to the table top as well. Leaving it loose allows for you to orientate the mold in any direction for laminates unlike a typical bench vise.
  6. Has anyone tried these? I'm probably getting one, But looking for others opinions. One hand operation, Holds up to 6" worth of molds and 300lbs of force. Only $39.00 https://www.woodcraft.com/products/woodriver-6-quick-vise?variant=43401654534282&gStoreCode=310&gQT=2
  7. Don't be afraid to try this one>>>> https://www.alternativelures.com/product-page/exoskeleton
  8. You might find it here as they have a ton... Keep loading more as you scroll down. https://www.alternativelures.com/lipless-baits-crankbaits
  9. Cast industries made that spincast mold.
  10. Call them...I think they will work with you. Charging you an extra 10% excise tax.... Or purchase smaller quantities at their sister company Captain Hooks Warehouse.
  11. Shortys hooks has 32833 down to size 10 https://www.shortyshooks.com/products/mustad---32833npbn and the 32746 down to size 6 https://www.shortyshooks.com/products/mustad---32746npbn
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