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Everything posted by 21xdc

  1. I'm looking for beads like the Strike King swinging sugar buzz bait uses. I'd prefer clear or silver... Their bleeding bait also uses them..
  2. I get mine in 2 weeks... Have some patience. The price is right, So are shipping costs! Get a couple.
  3. That's what you get for not using my link...
  4. I prefer a 0.5 needle airbrush... I have the least problem with cleaning and clogging. If I want details, I use a stencil.. I have a few of these>>> https://www.ebay.com/itm/Gravity-Feed-Dual-Action-7CC-Airbrush-Paint-Spray-Gun-Kit-for-Toys-Nail-Care/173685950458?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=472360764798&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649 Worth trying yourself.
  5. Probably Lexan http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Lure-Lips/
  6. When I'm done cleaning and back flushing.... I shoot 1 cup of xylol/xylene through my brush..., Then soapy water, then water... I never break down my brush's... I'll take the needle out once and a while and wipe them down with xylol/xylene...
  7. salt & pepper shaker works well sometimes.
  8. You loose and miss way too many fish with a weed guard on these baits... The blade needs to fold down to open the hook gap. The weed guard holds the blade from doing so. Yes they have the patent on the 6 sided blades.
  9. No. But it would be an easy mod..
  10. When you get time, Watch this 38 min video...
  11. These soft aluminum molds are easily modified with a hammer/Dremel tool/etc.. You might want to wait until October when this new Manic Mullet comes out. I can see it making a good swim jig after the modifying for any hook and keeper to be added.
  12. This mold works great if you block off the weed guard https://barlowstackle.com/Do-It-Trokar-Pro-Swim-Jig-Weedless-Jig-Molds-P2757/
  13. I'd use 1 split ring and a turned eye hook.
  14. YES! Learn for yourself>>> https://www.upcounsel.com/patent-infringement
  15. What is wrong with these? https://barlowstackle.com/Wire-Weed-Guard-P3836/
  16. It's illegal to attach the blade to the hook, Even for personal use and not selling... Don't ask me how I know.
  17. I'm off with the decimal point... I think everybody knows what I was saying. If you want to shoot hunks and chunks... You need the biggest size.
  18. How could you shoot .08 glitter through a .02-.03 airbrush... I use a .05 airbrush and I shoot some ultra fine glitter paint just fine... Dipping/brushing KBS is easy. I'd never run it through my airbrush. I buy these airbrush's and super happy with them for my needs. If I want detail, I use a stencil. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Gravity-Feed-Dual-Action-7CC-Airbrush-Paint-Spray-Gun-Kit-for-Toys-Nail-Care/173685950458?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=472360764798&_trksid=p2060353.m1438.l2649
  19. 21xdc

    Hard heads

    This place has many choices... http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Jigs-Spinnerbaits-Buzzbaits/
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