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Everything posted by 21xdc

  1. I'm thinking something with a small amount of green pumpkin, little chartreuse and blue high light? Looking for others opinions and results.... These are for a bladed jig trailer.
  2. Something says "Bagleys" to me... But I'm not the guy that knows. Bass N Shad? https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&biw=1366&bih=655&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=qjsdXZqoOoKGtQbV-o7oBg&q=bagleys+bass+n+shad+&oq=bagleys+bass+n+shad+&gs_l=img.12...40838.42339..43687...0.0..0.95.768.10......0....1..gws-wiz-img.xsNawVz2RPI
  3. These are the only Mann's unpainted that I know of.. http://www.lurepartsonline.com/Online-Store/Manns-Unpainted-Lure-Bodies.html?search=Unpainted+Bodies
  4. LOL... I never saw you post here before... I only have 900+ posts.
  5. Does anybody here have this mold? Anybody want to sell theirs to me before I buy a new one? Will anybody send me a few baits to try before I buy one? I'll pay shipping etc... Thanks.... http://www.basstackle.com/692_Jr_Jerk_Bait_p/692jr-kj-8.htm
  6. In the past, I got some here>>> https://www.getbitcustombaits.com/unpainteid-baits
  7. KBS has never had any effect on my paints. But I only use water base acrylics. I have had other clears ruin my paint though. Like concrete sealers, etc. EDIT... I looked up the paint you are using and found that they offer 2 different clear coats.. I'm not sure this would lock the color down. "9495 Aztek® Clear Matte or 9496 Aztek® Clear Gloss" I have had trouble with some Rustolium paints... And this paint you use is made by Rustolium… There must be something different in their paint. https://www.rustoleum.com/MSDS/ENGLISH/9470A.pdf
  8. 21xdc

    Shelts blanks

    I have ordered from them many times w/o any issues.... I'm patient.
  9. I have used a hot glue gun to fill and glue in...
  10. I use plaid color shift thinned 100% ish through my .5mm airbrush. As well as Extreme Sheen.
  11. 21xdc

    Help with KBS

    I don't use tail hanger wires, But the next day before it gets too hard... Try the turner.
  12. 21xdc

    Help with KBS

    My first qt I thinned 10% and the next 15%... The next few cans I didn't thin. It seemed that it was thinner already... But if I start getting any bubbles in heavy areas, I thin some.
  13. 21xdc

    Help with KBS

    Great news... Sounds like they back their product better than others I have seen....
  14. Since the mold calls for an eagle claw 253, That has a short shank, It must be meant to pour the other way with straight wires.
  15. The slot for the hook shank is too wide and short after the ball collar... Allowing the hook to lean/fall down.
  16. 21xdc

    Help with KBS

    You can test the bait the next day, But takes weeks to fully cure.
  17. 21xdc

    Help with KBS

    No.... 1/2 of the time I put them on my turner.... To pool, It must be too thick... If you want to use it, I'd thin it.
  18. 21xdc

    Help with KBS

    Must be old or bad.... I have bought more than 10 qts in the last few years and they have all been crystal clear. If it's pooling, It may be bad or too thick. I have thinned mine with 20% xylene/xylol .
  19. I just throw the brush's away... You can use xylol/xylene , But you are wasting time and money. $.05 each with a coupon. I use the harbor freight 1/2 in. Horsehair Bristle Acid Shop Brushes https://www.harborfreight.com/36-pc-12-in-horsehair-bristle-acid-shop-brushes-61880.html
  20. Use plumbers putty in the areas you want blocked off if you are only pouring 10 or so... Use Babbitt putty for quantity pours. 1 pound will last you a lifetime... https://www.rotometals.com/casting-retainer-putty-1-pound/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlIf0rfD04QIVStbACh1xdAm-EAQYASABEgJ3m_D_BwE
  21. I dip and it lasts me a long time w/o bloxygen… I bet you have the lid off for too long at a time. I might do 10 baits at a time. I also use a mason jar and keep the product clean from the lid/rim.
  22. Even though Folk Art suggests against using their color shift paint in an airbrush, I have been really liking it on my baits. It shoots great through my .5mm airbrush's once thinned about 100% with just water... Creamy and smooth flowing... I have been asking for them to make more colors like white, silver, etc..
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