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Everything posted by 21xdc

  1. I prefer the Eagle Claw L3886BP and modify mold to accept this hook.
  2. The first mold will take a heavier wire hook, But no eye ball sockets. Second uses a smaller diameter hook and would need to be opened up some, Unless you like a light wire hook. I'm not a fan of light wire hooks on this type of technique. Make sure you use a blade that does not interfere with the hook point as it lays down flat. It will interfere with your hook ups. I'm also not a fan of those inserts.
  3. There are 2 that I would consider needing minimal mods if any. https://store.do-itmolds.com/Round-Head-Jig-HHbrSz-18-14-38-12-58brHk-630-or-635brCollar-Barb_p_487.html https://store.do-itmolds.com/Freestyle-JigbrMultiple-SizesbrHk-MultiplebrCollar-Wire-Holder_p_1294.html
  4. Yes... He has it again... $30 for the Qt kit. https://www.facebook.com/petesautopaintsupply
  5. I think small latex tubing would work well w/o any holes punched. Just poke the hook through as needed. https://www.bedbathandbeyond.com/Home-Garden/Natural-Latex-Rubber-Tubing-1.6mm-ID-3.2mm-OD-3.3ft-Black-Highly-Elastic/35708885/product.html?option=68716205 But you could always use a leather hole punch for holes.
  6. Looks like they sell them to me >>> https://www.tackledirect.com/all-terrain-tackle-alt-0016-trail-r-loc-6pkc.html
  7. Cracks in rocks will eat every shape jig head.
  8. I put in a $50 order and the shipping was $30 and $3.00 tax.... I deleted my order.
  9. It's easier to watch a YouTube video.... I have been making them for over 40 years. Too much to explain in text.
  10. These work great. Maybe more similar to these? I don't think it's the weighting. https://megabassusa.com/product/karashi/
  11. https://www.alternativelures.com/product-page/exoskeleton
  12. Google "safety wire twister pliers manual" I also use them to wire tie the skirts on. The auto return has a spring that makes them harder to use on 20-22 gauge copper wire. Eagle Claw makes their premium hook line. They are very good.
  13. I have no trouble closing the hook eyes with my safety wire twister pliers. You cant open/close "Forged" hooks, But these are no problem. I also use EC3886BP hooks. They open and close fine too.
  14. I catch many on the front hook. I wouldn't want to only use the rear hook. I'm not sure what background Paul had.
  15. Perfecoat .... But my distributor is not selling it any longer.
  16. I prefer the 9908BN VMC Limerick hooks on front and back. Using bigger hooks, Rob vibration/action. Both sets pointing up. Works great.
  17. I went from KBS to a 2 part high solid automotive clear. I brush it on, turn it on my rotisserie. I don't need to wait 2-3 weeks for it to fully cure like that KBS Diamond Clear.
  18. Silver buddy's were mostly thin stainless steel. Try them when the water is 55* and less. Slow, short lifts work best. Like fishing a jig. lift and feel just a few vibes and semi slack line it back down. This helps prevent the bait from tumbling and fouling hooks and line.
  19. Your ignorance is spewing. That is why you have been banned 3 or 4 times on BBC.... Have a nice day.
  20. I used to fish with Billy and Bobby Westmorland on the Obey River. His mom has cooked me dinner. I ate breakfast with Paul Banks/Buddy Banks many times at Scottys restaraunt in Celina TN. Billy lived on "Small mouth Drive" near Stan Sloan. This ain't my 1st rodeo. Please stop thinking and posting like you are the only one making baits on this planet. You do this all over the internet. Many people know more than you think and maybe more than you.
  21. That is not a "blade bait" These are >>> https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1e8c9acc3ca5315c&rlz=1CAMFAZ_enUS1120&sxsrf=ADLYWILj6LSK9vFMdsEnkClrLNShXXYd_A:1731530009104&q=blade+baits&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0Aa4sjWe7Rqy32pFwRj0UkWd8nbOJfsBGGB5IQQO6L3J03RPjGV0MznOJ6Likin94oGSh4l60tfPppA0C5BN3Bo_980UJQBEk2Dk0PqPHf4Q_wwQXuQGcUSFQgFu2NHkX-AxS8EFOoFF4P_8efC70NkfGp86eXE3vbnGniVNJUq1cqy_MtQkQP4B89c0xYiXdsXg8rxng2lBuy2l7tt1quoIg2FnQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiu-PD4k9qJAxUMhYkEHUuKLv8QtKgLegQIExAB&biw=1181&bih=529&dpr=1.63
  22. I buy all of my hooks here>>>> https://www.shortyshooks.com/ Treble hooks here>>> https://www.wlure.com/pages/search-results-page?q=treble hooks
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