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Everything posted by 21xdc

  1. I'm thinking it may dull the hooks....
  2. I made some more EXPLOSIVE topwaters... This time actual size LOL These are 8in long. Not your daddys poppers. Calls fish from the depths, Makes huge disturbance on surface,
  3. I think many just cut an eye in 1/2 http://lisaandedseyes.ipage.com/lure_eyes.htm
  4. 21xdc

    Lure eyes

    Some of the sellers list the sizes... Personally, I buy a ton of different sizes and use the biggest that will fit in the recess. Look>>> http://lisaandedseyes.ipage.com/lure_eyes.htm At these prices, There is no reason not to get more than you need.
  5. Did you look on the do-it web site?
  6. If you never open the can, It will last almost forever. If you open the can every day, You might get a few months... Shelf life is relative. Having a good seal on the container is key as well. I use a mason jar with a clean lip. If I feel it is not sealing good, I pour into a new mason jar. I have used many different clears and KBS is the best I have used and really have no reason to try anything else.
  7. Sounds like you are spending too much time cleaning the brush... It does take time, But not as long as you mentioned.
  8. 21xdc

    Lure Eyes

    Looks great to me...
  9. No drips back into the jar, Open jar for as little as possible and the least amount of times... 10 baits, Do them all at once instead of 1 each day for 10 days. Your jar seal may have not been good.... But 8 months aint too bad to me... Maybe you need to tap the can and brush it on...
  10. 21xdc

    Lure Eyes

    Post some finished pics please.
  11. Heat? You did wrong buddy! Xylol/Xylene is what you should have done.... I think it's a gonner now.
  12. 21xdc

    Lure Eyes

    Would any of these eyes work for you? http://lisaandedseyes.ipage.com/
  13. I have used these transfer foils>>> http://www.dollarnailart.com/cat_pages/foils.html
  14. 21xdc


    This is the best write up I have seen>>> http://www.predatorbassbaits.com/Suspending_110_info.html http://www.predatorbassbaits.com/id69.html
  15. I never tried it... It is pretty thick and doubt it would flow enough to create a mold.
  16. Drill a small hole in the hook slot, Fill with red High Temp RTV Silicone full. You can use smaller hooks w/o getting any flash.
  17. Wow... Amazing... It's over my pay grade to use that.
  18. That is what I was telling him with my second link...
  19. I use a halogen lamp close to my hooks to keep them heated as I use them. This helps keeping the lead from shying away from the hook. A smidge of super glue will also help if your not going to paint them.
  20. 21xdc


    It takes weeks to fully cure/harden....
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