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Everything posted by 21xdc

  1. 21xdc

    Split Rings

    I buy the black SS 20lb split rings from www.lurepartsonline.com
  2. It don't have to rotate... I have built many spinnerbaits with just an eye coming out of the lead instead of the hook. Then use a split ring to attach the hook. Allows you to use and length any size hook of your choice. The hook stays upright but can swivel back and forth sideways. Videos have shown me that when a fish sucks the bait into their mouth, the swiveling hook is also pulled in. I believe the bite to hook ratio can be better, as well as the fish has far less chance to throw the hook as the weight and ridged bait cant be used as leverage.... I have made some of these with the Gami EWG Finnesse hooks in 3/0 or 4/0... I cant remember. The split ring allows for use of trebels, double hooks or none for practice days..
  3. Siwash hooks are generally too short and strait shank hooks that wont lock lead on the hook. And the eye is turned on the flat... 90* wrong.
  4. Try pouring spinnerbait hooks and a figure 8 connector link in size 3 from Janns Netcraft or Barlows. It may have been lurepartsonline that have both eyes open.
  5. This may make more sense.... Fine sandpaper makes something rough, SMOOTH... Coarse sandpaper makes something smooth, ROUGH. It seems to me that the fine might also settle far less in the rubber and stay suspended.
  6. If you compare fine sandpaper to coarse sandpaper, Fine is a lot less abrasive and takes a lot longer to remove material... Not sure of your thinking.
  7. Have you considered the brand "Decoy" Egg Snap? One piece to have the loosest hook and weight, yet tie on good metal.
  8. You missed the question... Why the swivel? Why not tie to the hook snap? That's what I would do. Unless you have a reason for the swivel... That's why I asked.
  9. What purpose is the swivel you tie to? I use a Jika rig a lot and like less hardware personally.
  10. 21xdc

    Work Holders

    I have used "sheet metal vise grips" and zip tie it to my turner when finish coat is applied.
  11. Barlows ... Janns Netcraft, and Lurepartsonline are places I buy from.... I'm wanting larger,longer blanks that will fit these molds.... Anyone have a source?
  12. The extra fine cost more....
  13. WalMart sells it and may ship to their stores free for local pick up... Search "Glass bead blast media" on WalMart site... I cant seem to post a link..
  14. Would using finer glass media be a better option for less scratching of injectors? 100-170 and 170-325 are some options.
  15. I used to paint clear car bodies and you have to work backwards. The outside of the body stays clear. Similar to making a gel coat boat in the mold. I don't see how this will work as we cant paint the inside of the baits. Unless the clear wont dull it like other chrome paints... I'll wait for the test results posted here..
  16. My paint was completely dry, for days... It still crackled my paint...
  17. I have done several batchs of baits... One batch did pretty good. The others were all ruined. It crackles the paint and the clear spider cracks. I tried thin coats, tried thick coats, on the turner and hang dry. It may just need to be cured with some heat as it dries. Most of mine were done in 65*-68*........... I think I'm going to save this product for concrete.
  18. http://www3.towerhobbies.com/cgi-bin/wti0001p?&I=LXC026&P=8
  19. I'm experimenting with the water base stuff.. I bought it at Menards as well http://sealbest.com/ultraglsseal.shtml $18 per gallon http://www.menards.com/main/building-materials/concrete-cement-masonry/concrete-sealer-repair/concrete-cleaners-sealers/sealbest-ultra-gloss-concrete-sealer/p-1462532-c-5651.htm
  20. Ummm... I came up with this on my own. Never tried any other method. What I'm doing is nothing like the old method that was posted here.
  21. I do this as a hobby... But since Shaggy is doing it for income, I refrain from spilling the beans.....
  22. I have posted pics many times here and they all get deleted... Silly rules for sure.. I have shared my technique with shaggy and find our baits look much better in the end. Also hold up better. Not bashing others at all... Too bad I cant share more as I feel like my hands are tied to a degree.
  23. Hmmmm I wonder how it's done? I dont post here much anymore as they dont allow me to post my work on a thread... Oh well.
  24. I have been using it and like the results... Watch this>>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZrmNjQYcdg
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