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About Riverrunner88

  • Birthday 06/07/1988

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. thanks guys i got a few pics up in the gallery now
  2. Riverrunner88

    another popper!

    cut some rubber legs out for this one out of a bass spinner skirt
  3. Riverrunner88

    red jig

    small panfish jig
  4. Riverrunner88

    steelhead jigs

    some steelie jigs i made really like the maribou!
  5. Riverrunner88

    steelhead jigs

    some steelie jigs i made really like the maribou!
  6. Riverrunner88

    another popper

    another bass popper
  7. Riverrunner88


    one of my favorite ways to catch bass!
  8. Riverrunner88

    inline spinners

    needed some heavier spinners for castin the piers..really wanted to get them out there some made some of these they really have some flash to em!
  9. Riverrunner88

    inline spinners

    needed some heavier spinners for castin the piers..really wanted to get them out there some made some of these they really have some flash to em!
  10. Riverrunner88


    hi all! heard about this site from another forum and it looks awesome!!!!so much info!! im from Ohio i mostly tie flies and small jigs for steelhead and bass but have a great interest in learning about cranks! happy new year everyone!
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