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Everything posted by IGETBIT2

  1. Jmik is like my third brother and a bro in Christ. He is the most honest person I know. I trust him with my kids. Getbitlures wouldnt exsist without him. Its ashame that it wont exsist after this weekend. Just not enough time in a day to keep doing it. Take care and God Bless.
  2. Actually Red if we were making money with selling our product we could prob afford to stay on here and pay but by the time we are done buying product and actually taking the time to make our product we dont make squat. It is just fun making the stuff for people to catch fish on something we made. Thats actually what we get out of it. So it is actually a hobby. Second I didnt buy a domain name heck i dont know much about computers or how to make a website. That would be my friend Jmik. Im not on here to make money but lures. And its great to see people catching fish on our stuff. I have a full time job taking care of handicapped kids in wheelchairs so i do this for fun. not to turn a proifit. If you cant understand us being upset about not being able to come on here anymore than so be it. And I do apologize about the "new found wealth" comment but hey i am human and i am angry it wont be like it used to be. Thanks for everything it was nice while it lasted. Dan
  3. I have to agree with Scottish on this one. One day it is free the next you have to pay to get on. Sorry but some of us live paycheck to paycheck and even this little bit cant be taken on. I understand that it costs money to keep the site up and running but isnt that why people like ghost baits and others are paying to advertise on here. To keep the site up and running. I understand, you see the oil companies doing it so your just following suit. Now I know why the Bible says "$ is the root of all evil " Cause its tearing down the TU Empire. I love the site but i cant afford to pay to come to a site that was once free. Its BS. Hope you enjoy your new found wealth. L8R
  4. Ok you are right i should have been more specific. Im talking about jig heads for Largemouths in the rocks weeds and stick ups
  5. Just trying to find out what you guys think and why you think it.
  6. Do you make any with the weed guards?
  7. The craddle weights let you use any hook you want for the swimbait and you dont tear up the front of your bait with a cork screw. And the baits swim excellent with them.
  8. HomeProductsTestimonialsDealersPro StaffLinksAboutDealer InquiriesParasite Weights & Clips Terminal Tackle That Works Introducing the revolutionary Parasite Tungsten & Lead Worm Weights, Parasite Clips, Standup Jig Heads, SHakey Head Jigs and the all new Cradle Weight for swimbaits.. The Parasite line of terminal products will revolutionize the way you fish plastics! Plastic lures can not slide down the hook while using a Parasite weight, clip or cradle weight and the shakey heads and the new Standup Jig are made better for bass anglers. When you fish with a product that is endorsed by Fishing LEGENDS such as Hank Parker, Woo Daves, Stacey King, Tom Monsoor, and Brian Hensley you really can't go wrong! Are you unsure about rigging Parasite Clips & Weights? Check out our short Instructional Video Below. Parasite Rigging Video We accept the following: Visa, Master Card, Discover & PayPal HomeProductsTestimonialsDealersPro StaffLinksAboutContact
  9. Ill second the Drop Shotisis Since we make them and I use them and they work.
  10. Here in Illinois for us its black and blue in spring and watermelonseed and pumpkin seed in summer. Then white works well in the fall.
  11. Thats been out since last year. Seems pretty steep but then again so does all gulp products. Only thing i like about it is all the extra juice you may be able to use in something else.
  12. If your making them for yourself I would make what works best in your area. If your making them to sell. Green pumpkin, Watemelon seed, black and blue, White and chartruse pepper. IMO if you get the green pumpkins and watermelons down then you can add the gold and silver glitters and have a variety of those types of colors as well.
  13. IGETBIT2

    ST Frog

  14. Hey thanks for the kind words guys. Brybear pm me your address and Ill send ya a sample. Dan
  15. Spring and nighttime color black with blue flake, Summer watermelon pearl with black flake and green pumpkin all depends what i got left in the old tackle bag.
  16. Yeah they do have you every eaten their food.
  17. What size are you looking for?
  18. Im guessing clear plastic with red white and blue glitter.
  19. Even though Del thinks we at GetBitLures got a beef with him, We think his molds are top notch. And I would recommend them to everybody.
  20. Kind of like thinking your going to get lucky with the wife you look forward to it all day then she falls asleep. Thanks Nova:lol: Just kidding
  21. Lets see how long it takes for zoom or another big company to rip it. Very Nice work Nova.
  22. I agree with Hawghunter our time is worth much more than that. And you got to wonder about the quality of those baits. I would rather pay alittle more and get a good product than pay 7 or 8 bucks for 50 sticks and get a so so product.
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